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There is no name.

Although homophobia seems more a hatred than a fear, gay people are rightly apprehensive of irrational hostility from alcohol fuelled thugs. Take care and be careful where you go.

There is no term as of right now, because no one has made a word for them yet. Usually the idea of ignorant and irrational fear/hatred is a label homosexuals put on "homophobes". "Homophobes" will tend to condemn homosexuality as sin rather than accuse irrational fear.

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Q: If the name of fear people have for gay people is homophobia what is the name of fear gay people have for homophobics?
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What phobia is the fear of gays?

the name is of this is homophobia.

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Homophobia is the term used to describe the fear or contempt of homosexuals. Lesbians are included in that group.Homophobia

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Homophobia is the name of the phobia relating to the fear of homosexuality or becoming gay; however, the term is used more often to refer to bigotry against gay people.

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It's anthropophobia which is the fear of meeting people or society

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Yes, it's called biphobia. It's similar to homophobia, but focuses on bisexuality. Also, in general, if something exists, there's probably a phobia of it. What you're more likely to see, though, is bi-ignorance -- straight people who "just don't get it" and gay people who say things like, "You're just gay and afraid to admit it."

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