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Very often the narrator is the main character, and their name will be present in the book blurb, on the back cover or inside the jacket. If not, there are many ways in which it can be revealed:

  1. The narrator may speak directly to the reader and introduce himself. This happens in the very first sentence of 'Moby Dick'. "Call me Ishmael."
  2. The narrator may speak directly to other characters in the story. This happens in "The Maltese Falcon'. "The name's Spade, Sam Spade."
  3. Other characters in the story may talk to or about the narrator. This happens in 'Speak to me no more of Venice.' "I was just settling into the deck chair like old men do when I heard a cry. "Hey Dobson, Charles Dobson, you old coot."
  4. The narrator may recount an instance where other characters are talking and a list of names comes up. It is left to the reader to figure out the narrator's name by elimination. This happens in 'The handmaid's Tale'.
  5. The narrator's name may be found upon a document or some other information medium. This happens in 'Crisscross'. "Stedman grabbed his hand and the page swooped to the floor where we could all see it. It was signed Veljenko."
  6. The narrator's name may be hidden in a word jumble or letter search in the actual text of the book. This happens in 'One One Seven Nine.'
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The narrator should refer to the characters either by name or by descriptive title. For example, if your character is John Doe, a carpenter from Hawaii who is Japanese, you could call him John, John Doe, Mr. Doe, the carpenter, the Hawaiian, or the Japanese man.

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Q: If the narrator is a character in the story how does the author tell the reader that characters name?
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By changing the perspective and allowing the reader to see the narrator from another character's point of view

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In most cases, the narrator is the person who tells the story, providing insight into characters, events, and themes. They can be a character within the story (first-person narrator) or an outside observer (third-person narrator). The narrator's perspective shapes how the story is presented to the reader.

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Third person, I think, is what youare looking for.

What are characteristics of point of view?

Point of view refers to the perspective from which a story is told. It can be first person (narrator is a character in the story), second person (narrator addresses the reader as "you"), or third person (narrator is external to the story). Point of view determines what information is shared with the reader and influences the reader's perception of the characters and events.

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A limited narrator is a point of view where the reader is only given access to the thoughts and feelings of a single character. This can create a more focused and intimate perspective, but it also means that the reader may not have a complete picture of the events or other characters in the story.

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One method is through direct exposition, where the narrator or other characters in the story explicitly share information about the character. This can help provide background, motivations, and traits of the character to the reader.

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