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As a couple you can arrange a dinner for the parents so that they can meet. Perhaps one set of parents or the other is a good place to start making plans. In any case, it will help if you are both comfortable with the result. If you need a neutral meeting place, set up a dinner or lunch at a nice restaurant. As you can see, there are several ways to go on this. What is right is something that the couple needs to figure out, considering the comfort level of the parents, so it is a pleasant event. Doesn't matter. Get talking!

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Q: If the parents of the engaged couple have never met do the bride's parents or groom's parents contact the other first?
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Usually the bride's parents will phone the groom's parents and the six of you would get together for either dinner at the bride's parent's home or, go out to a restaurant.

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Traditionally the brides parents..but whoever is able to pay!

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If they want to and the couple is willing to accept their gift. The days of parents' being expected to foot the bills for weddings are over. In most cases, the couple, along with both sets of parents, jointly fund the wedding. However, there is no longer any expectation that anyone will. If the grooms' parents want to, great. If the brides' parents want to, great. If no parents want to, then the couple can pay.

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Engaged is a verb (past tense of engage) and an adjective (an engaged couple).

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