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Q: If the population of snakes increases the population of frogs will most likely?
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Why will the population of frogs decrease of the population of snakes increase?

Because the snake's will eat the frogs.

What do lake snakes eat?

Most likely fish and frogs.

Why would removing snakes from a food web might result in a decrease in the grasshopper population?

there would be no snakes to eat the frogs and with more frogs their would be less grasshoppers

Why can snakes live so far away from water and frogs can' t?

because snakes are snakes and frogs are frogs

How are snakes different from frogs from their reaction to their environment?

Snakes eat frogs

What is the duration of Frogs for Snakes?

The duration of Frogs for Snakes is 1.8 hours.

What animals like frogs?

snakes, snakes like to eat frogs.

When was Frogs for Snakes created?

Frogs for Snakes was created on 1998-02-20.

Which are more related snakes and frogs or snakes and crocodiles?

Snakes and crocodiles because snakes and crocodiles are both reptiles but a frog is an amphibian.

Dol snakes eat frogs?

Most snakes will eat a frog or toad if they can. The snake is a meat eater and frogs and toads are meat. There are pictures of snakes eating frogs.

What is the difference between a frog and a snake?

Well there are many differences but the main one is that frogs have legs and snakes do not. Also frogs are amphibians and snakes are reptiles.

If all frogs died the raccoon population would most likely?

If all frogs died, the raccoon population would likely decrease due to a loss of a food source. Frogs are an important part of the raccoon's diet, and the lack of this prey could lead to starvation or population decline for raccoons.