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Not if you happen to be in New Zealand or Singapore. Check a globe and you can see where Australia is in relation to your location.

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Q: If the sun is facing us is Australia on the opposite side?
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How does the earth's rotation cause days?

its obvious when you think about it as the earth spins the side facing the sun is lit up by the sun the side opposite is not facing the sun therefor its night

When one side of the earth is facing the sun is it day or night?

When a side of the earth faces the sun, it's day. The opposite side is experiencing night.

What cause night and day?

The rotation of earth on its axis

Why is it day time in Australia when it's night time in Africa?

Simply put, as the Earth makes its daily rotation about its axis, one side is always facing the Sun while the opposite side faces away from the Sun. The side facing away from the Sun, whether it's Australia or England, experiences night. London and Sydney aren't quite opposite each other on the globe, being only about 150 degrees apart, so at 9 AM in Sydney, it will be midnight in London.

What does the sun help to rise?

Well, assuming the Earth rotated in such a way that one side was always facing the sun and the opposite side were always facing away from it, like Venus (maybe it was Mercury), then Earth could not support life because the side facing the sun would be very hot, and the other side would be very cold, like Venus, the side always facing the sun is around 900 degrees F, and the cold side is around -280 or -300 degrees F.

If you were on the moons near side during a new moon how much of the side of earths facing you would be sunlight?

As Earth rotates, the side of Earth that facing the Sun spends more time in daylight, while the opposite is true for the other side.

How much Sun exposure does Mercury have the planet?

50%-50% ...... The planet does not rotate on its axis. Therefore, the side facing the sun receives complete sunlight .... while the opposite side of the planet is perpetually "dark".

Why is it day in one area of the Earth and then night in another?

right say it is night in the UK and day in Australia. it would be the day in Australia because that side of the earth is facing the sun. and it is night here in the UK because it is facing away from the sun!! hope this helps! your friend Tomylad

How is this time difference related to earths rotation?

Time difference on Earth depends on which parts of the earth are facing the sun, the parts facing directly too the sun would be in mid day/12am and the opposite side of this would me at midnight/12pm and so on.

Do you have day and night because the earth orbits the sun?

Day and night happen Because the earth rotates the side facing the sun is day that the side that doesn't is night that's why we have time zones and when it's day on one side of the earth it's night on the opposite side

When does day and night happen?

Because the part of the Earth you are on is not facing the Sun at that time. The earth is continuously rotating, so at any time, part of the Earth is facing the Sun and part is facing away from it. The part facing it is getting lots of light, so it is day time and the part facing away gets less light, so you have darkness and it is night time.

What is the tempauture on mercury?

Around 400 Celsius ( The side facing the sun ) . Around - negative 150 ( The side not facing the sun ) . Hope that helps !