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Today, there are 50 states. 3/4 of 50 is 37.5, so we would need 38 states to approve an Amendment to the United States Constitution.

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Q: If three fourths of the states vote to amend the constitution how many states are needed?
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I assume that you mean the procedure to amend the United States Constitution. Amendments to the U.S. Constitution require the approval of three-fourths of the states.

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article five

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the constitutional convention (the states)

What percentage of the Congress and of the state conventions is needed to ratify and amend the Constitution of the US?

The Amendment process is the formal way to change the Constitution. An amendment may be proposed by two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or by a convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures. Ratification of an amendment takes three-fourths of the states to approve.

How many states are needed to amend the Constitution?

The Amendment process is the formal way to change the Constitution. An amendment may be proposed by two-thirds vote of both houses of Congress or by a convention called by Congress at the request of two-thirds of the state legislatures. Ratification of an amendment takes three-fourths of the states to approve.

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Amend the constitution APEX

How many states are required to amend the constitution?

It requires a 2/3 majority which is 34 states.

Why does the formal amendment process reflect federalism?

The formal amendment process, to the Constitution, requires a supermajority vote in the Senate, and consent (agreement) by three fourths of the states. This process involves most of the U.S., and is, therefore, a federal process. No state, acting alone can change or amend the Constitution (and, therefore, 'states rights' do not apply here).

What court cases caused the Supreme Court to decide to amend the constitution?

The Supreme Court does not have the power to amend the Constitution. Only the process of constitutional amendment outlined in Article V of the Constitution can be used to amend the Constitution. The Court's role is to interpret the Constitution and its amendments, not to amend them.

What is tenth amend?

The Tenth Amendment states the Constitution's principle of federalism by providing that powers not granted to the federal government nor prohibited to the States by the Constitution are reserved to the States or the people.