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If you are both going to be driving the car, you should add the co-leaser on the drivers insurance as an additional driver. If it's just going to be the first leaser, then I would say only the driver has to carry the insurance.

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Q: If two people co-lease an auto should they both take out an insurance policy on the car or just the driver?
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Can you add a driver to your car insurance?

yes ,you can add driver's name in your insurance policy.

Does insurance cover a minor driver who is not on your policy?

If they are not on your policy then they are not covered.

What is a deferred operator in an auto?

A deferred operator on an auto insurance policy is a driver who has his or her own insurance policy. If these people drive your car as well, they would be deferred operators.

How much does it cost to add an occasional driver to your insurance policy?

It really depends on what your insurance policy is.

Can you lose your insurance if you allow a unlicensed driver to drive your car?

Yes. Read your policy. If you allow a driver who is not licensed to drive your policy and an accident occurs the insurance company may deny coverage for the claim. You should not loan your car to other people because you are also loaning them your insurance and you may not have the authority to do this. If the person is a regular driver or lives in your household then they must be listed on your policy as a driver.

Who pays when driver is not the car owner but has car insurance?

Usually the insurance policy of the owner of the car is primary and then if the driver of the car has a policy of their own then it is secondary.

If your driver's license expires will you still be covered under your auto insurance policy?

If your driver's license expires will you still be covered under your auto insurance policy?

Will insurance cover driver not on policy?

Most auto insurance covers anyone you allow to drive your car, except people living in your house.

Do you have to be added to your parents insurance policy if you are primary driver of one of their vehicles and you have insurance policy of your own?

yes, simple as that.

Can a 23 year old as a licensed driver be covered on parent's auto insurance policy?

Sure, The policy owner can add any driver to their auto insurance policy, In fact, If you are a regular driver the owner is required to disclose such and list you as a scheduled driver, otherwise the insurance company could deny coverage in the event of an accident involving an unscheduled driver. It does not matter if your related or not.

Who is responsible for a accidents costs the owner of the car or driver?

the accident is cover by insurance if the driver did not have insurance but the owner dose then it should cover for uninsured motorist if the driver was not a excluded driver of the vehicle a excluded driver is like a relative that lives the the policy holder but is not on the policy as a driver

Where can I find information on new driver insurance?

You can get information related to young driver insurance at compare market insurance.