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Q: If you apply for a grocery store job if you don't get the job do they still tell you?
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Can printable grocery store coupons be photocopied?

No, that will not work.The store will not accept photo copied coupons. Some dont even accept online printable coupons at all. Check with your store.

How often must you spray your vegetables with water in a grocery store?

every few hours you dont know whos touched it

What is South Carolina's oldest grocery store?

yes well if your not sure why dont you go check it yourself i go to alot of place

What jobs can you apply for at 15?

There are many jobs you could apply for at the age of 15 years old. It usually depends on your intrests. If you are an active person involved in sports, you could help coach, or if you enjoy reading, there's always the public library. But, if you still dont know, theres the local grocery store, clothing outlet or music stores. Many malls have lots of places, and you dont need to go far for your lunch break : Food court. You could also work at a restauraunt, as a waiter/waitress, dishwasher, or greeter. I hope this answer is helpful, and enjoy your job search! :)

Who sings the Stater Bros. grocery store theme song?

I think it might be Alabama. I dont know the name of the song but it kinda sounds like them.

Where can I get some paper napkin right now?

Any store should have paper napkin they are so common amoung dollar stores if you dont find them therere you can go to wal mart or a local grocery store hope that that helps.

Does Verizon still sell the Samsung glide?

Why dont you check the website or go to the store and ask

Is opening an item in-store considered shoplifting?

no, if you have the receipt. it also depends on the store's policies

Can Publix employees take one or two weeks including Easter day off using their vacation leave at Publix grocery store?

i dont think they can easter is begin with family and friends.

Are rodeo bill chips sold in Massachussetts's?

well i dont live their but maybe you should go to the grocery store and ask if they are or type in the brand of the chip and then see if they are so,ld in where evr you live of if there not why dont you call the company and order some if you want them that bad

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You can order a pie at a Bakery, Cracker barrell, Or Store or something along those lines.

Where can you get color hairspray?

i dont know where you live but you can get colored hairspray from Sally Beauty Supply of even just a regular grocery store. You can get it at an exotic hair cut store or Wal*Mart is probably the most trusting place. Hope that helped!:D