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Yes, you may be pregnant. However, depending on the birth control pill you take, if you resumed your normal schedule after missing those 3 days, you may be off cycle (most OCPs have you taking 25 days of active pill, then 5 days of inactive pill). You may just be off those 3 days that you missed.

I would recommend taking a pregnancy test, however, if it is possible that you may be pregnant. You should not be taking birth control while pregnant, as it may result in birth defects.

Any time you miss days with your Birth Control, you should use another birth control method (i.e. condom, abstinence) in addition to resuming your usual birth control method until after you have your period.

J. DeLaughter, DO

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14y ago

No, if you protected yourself your fine it is normal if your period is late . But if you were not sure, you should have taken the day after pill.

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Q: If you are 3 weeks late on period does that make you 3 weeks pregnant?
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Well honestly it depends on ur body, is ur period always on time, are u stessin alot? I have a friend whose period is almost 2 weeks late, she has taken many pee test none were positive. My advice would be to make apt with ur obgyn, an explain how late u are, what u been feeling like, ect.

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Yes, but I'd see your doctor to make sure there is nothing wrong.

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Stress can make it late, worrying about it can make it late. Some girls never get their periods when they expect to. I sometimes don't get mine for months. Imagine how freaky that can be! A few days late isn't a big deal, try not to worry about it. If it's a few weeks late, go take a home pregnancy test or go to the doctor and ask for a pregnancy test.