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A twelve year old shouldn't be worried about their weight especially if they are 104 lbs. which is normal weight, but if such interests arise then you can try eating healthy, that means no soda or junk food. Another option is to go out for weekly runs.

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Q: If you are a 12 year old and you weight 104 pounds how would you lose weight?
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In general, it's better to lose weight slowly; most doctors will suggest 1-2 pounds a week. At one pound a week, it would take about a year and a half to lose 71 pounds.

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Yes, you can lose 100 pounds of body weight in one year. If you lost 2 pounds per week, that would be 104 pounds in one year. For more infomation, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.

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a 15 year old shouldn't be losing 5 pounds in 5 days unless your like obese. any weight lose has to be done with progression, you wouldn't loose fat in 5 days either you would just lose water weight. drink A LOT of water if you want to loose weight

How many pounds can you lose in 1 year?

it depends on how your weight is before you start. if you are extremely obese, you could lose up to 10 pounds a week. assuming you are a normal weight though, you can lose 1-2 pounds per week. There is a diet pill namely "Phen 375" which is a fat burner diet pill, this pill would help you to lose weight very quickly without any side effects.

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This is how I lost weight, I'm ten.Oh weight unless you're like really overweight you shouldn't need to lose pounds :P

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If you are fairly strong and weigh from 100-110 pounds your fine and don't lose weight, if you weigh more, lose weight. If you are fairly weak and weigh from 70-90 pounds your fine don't lose weight, if you weight less lose weight. If you weight 90-100 pounds weak or strong your PERFECT don't EVER think your over weight. For an 11 year old girl who hasn't had puberty then you will soon and when you do then take my advice

If you weigh 14 and you want to weigh about 100 how can you lose weight quickly without money?

1) 100 pounds would be under weight for a 14 year old! 2) there is no(healthy) way to lose weight fast, it happens over time

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you're at a very health weight. A woman your size and age should not be looking to lose weight, but maintain her current weight.

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30 pounds in this last year before his death

Does a 124 pound 5' 4 13-year old need to lose weight or is this an average weight?

it shouldn't kill you to try and lose like 15 pounds

How Much Weight Can a 13 Year Old Lose in One Summer?

In one summer, a thirteen year old can lose 15 pounds by working out daily.