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You shouldn't be eating unhealthy. But anyway check you BMI (body mass index). to find this Google BMI for teens. Also gaining weight depends on you body mostly, you should talk to your doctor. Another factor is how active you are if you just sit around all day, yes you may gain weight, If you are active atleast three days a week most likely you will stay in shape.

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Q: If you are a 14 year old girl that eats unhealthy food without passing over 1300 calories do you gain weight?
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Is it better to eat too few calories from healthy food or enough calories from unhealthy food?

eat more calories from healthy foods. Calories from unhealthy foods will stop u from losing weight.

Why do we need to eat healthy?

Because unhealthy eating will have unhealthy effects on the human body. Unhealthy effects are unhealthy.

How can we gain weight?

You can gain weight by eating food with high Calories.

Healthy diet 1200 calories?

Calories are the most important factor that determines both weight gain and weight loss, and a healthy weight loss plan creates a safe calorie deficit to promote weight loss. The game of weight loss is all about calorie intake and calories burnt. In case of weight balance, all calories are same, but when it comes to overall health, all calories are not the same. The three main sources of calories are fats, carbohydrates, and proteins. Sources of unhealthy saturated fats are butter, cheese and fatty cuts of meats; whereas sources of healthy unsaturated fats are nuts, vegetable oils, olives and seafood. Just like healthy and unhealthy fats, there are healthy and unhealthy carbs as well.

How can a worried almost 7 stone 5' 5 healthy eater - who is somewhat active - gain weight?

Simple, to gain weight eat MORE calories. To lose weight, eat less. Eating more calories doesn't mean they have to be unhealthy calories though EVERYTHING (except some diet drinks and water) has calories, even vegtables. Just eat bigger portians of healthy foods and you should gain weight soon. Simple, to gain weight eat MORE calories. To lose weight, eat less. Eating more calories doesn't mean they have to be unhealthy calories though EVERYTHING (except some diet drinks and water) has calories, even vegtables. Just eat bigger portians of healthy foods and you should gain weight soon.

Is it possible to lose weight without being on a diet?

Yes, it is possible to lose weight without being on a diet. To lose weight, you must use more calories then you consume, generally 500 calories to lose 2 pounds a week. Staying active will burn more calories.

Is 4400 calories of a week's worth of chocolate unhealthy?

Do you really need to ask this? Of course it is. Noone should be eating that many calories in one day or they will become obese quite quickly and get all the diseases associated with obesity along with it. It wouldn't matter if you ate 4400 calories worth in brocolli, unless you're burning 4400 calories a day, you will gain weight and become unhealthy.

Can 1500 calories a day really work as a diet?

No, a diet consisting solely of 1500 calories doesn't work long term. Focusing on calorie consumption is an unhealthy and ineffective way to lose weight.

Can you lose weight on 1200 calories a day without restricting your carbs?


Is diet soda healthy with exercise?

No. While there are fewer calories, which is useful if you want to lose weight, the artificial sweeteners in diet soda are unhealthy in other ways.

How do i lose weight without exercising?

In order to lose weight without exercising,Chew Thoroughly and Slow Down. Your brain needs time to process that you've had enough to eat.Use Smaller Plates for Unhealthy Foods.Eat Plenty of Protein.tore Unhealthy Foods out of Sight.Eat Fiber-Rich Foods.Drink Water Regularly.Serve Yourself Smaller Portions.Eat Without Electronic DistractionsEmail me for more ways to lose weight without any exercise.

What are unhealthy ways to gain weight?

To eat like a pig, or not exercise is an unhealthy way to gain weight.