

Best Answer

There are many causes of dry eye and thyroid function is one of them so if the thyroid production is low it can be an important factor and replacing the thyroid hormone with pills can improve the dry eyes in some cases.

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Q: If you are having dry eye problems after lasik surgery and your thyroid is low could your thyroid be causing the dryeye?
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Does anyone know of a very long poem that could possibly span for 8 minutes?

only in life by nikhil parekhEvery star in the wonderfully resplendent cosmos; mayor may not enthrallingly shine,And every thing on this Universe that flamboyantlyshines; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aSTAR..Every flower sprouting from fathomless kilometers ofland; may or may not diffuse rhapsodic fragrance,And every thing on this Universe that is seductivelyfragrant; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aFLOWER...Every cloud in the voluptuously crimson sky; may ormay not pelt tantalizing droplets of golden rain,And every thing on this Universe that is enigmaticallymisty; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aCLOUD...Every tree on bountifully fertile soil; may or may notblossom into an astounding flurry of succulent fruit,And every thing on this Universe that spawns intocountless of its kind; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a TREE...Every battlefield on vindictively belligerent mud; mayor may not metamorphose into the ultimate victory ofmankind,And every thing on this Universe that massacres andindiscriminately sucks blood; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a BATTLEFIELD...Every clock that incessantly functions for centuriesimmemorial; may or may not transit you intoincredulously ravishing waves of untamed nostalgia,And every thing on this Universe that monotonouslyticks; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aCLOCK...Every lion philandering rampantly through theprofusely robust jungles; may or may not be aman-eater,And every thing on this Universe; that wasvociferously ferocious; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as LION...Every hive sandwiched amidst the magnificently royalfoliage; may or may not be boisterously buzzing,And every thing on this Universe; that was melodiouslychattering and sweet; could not be irrefutably termedas; only a HIVE...Every eye majestically embossed in the sockets of thecharismatically alluring face; may or may not beemphatic,And every thing on this Universe with poignantlygushing tears; could not be irrefutably termed; onlyas an EYE...Every salubrious coconut suspended from the branches;may or may not harbor ingratiatingly sweet water inits belly,And every thing on this Universe that was obduratelyhard; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aCOCONUT..Every dungeon countless kilometers beneath soil; mayor may not harbor an unfathomable conglomerate ofsnakes,And every thing on this Universe as dark as theghastly night; could not be irrefutably termed; onlyas a DUNGEON...Every stream voluptuously cascading through themountains; may or may not be culminating into ecstaticfroth,And every bit of water wandering freely on thisUniverse; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aSTREAM...Every song captivatingly floating through thesurreally mesmerizing atmosphere; may or may notconvey the message profoundly imbibed within,And every voice that emanated on this Universe; couldnot be irrefutably termed; only as a SONG...Every thorn surreptitiously creeping from nimblecovers of soil; may or may not acrimoniouslyinfiltrate into innocuous skin,And every thing on this Universe that was piquantlysharp; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aTHORN...Every wind exuberantly blowing across the gorgeousvalley; may or may not strike the rocks,And every draught of euphoric air on this Universe;could not be irrefutably termed; only as WIND...Every chili tangily extruding from immaculate layersof soil; may or may not turbulently sting the tongue,And every thing on this Universe that was thunderouslyspicy; could not be irrefutably termed; only asCHILI...Every spider fabulously slithering through its stickyweb; may or may not inhabit the same for a fathomlesslifetimes,And every thing on this Universe that was intractablysticky and entangled; could not be irrefutably termed;only as a SPIDER...Every hill rising splendidly above mundane soil; mayor may not have its summit kissing the absolute zenithof the rosy clouds,And every thing on this Universe that was the top moststoried; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aHILL...Every egg left completely solitary by itself; may ormay not hatch into an immaculately divine fledgling,And every thing on this Universe that was oval andpearly white; could not be irrefutably termed; only asan EGG...Every milestone enthusiastically stretching beyondrealms of imagination; may or may not evokeinscrutable pleasure,And every thing on this Universe that was delightfullydelirious; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aMILESTONE...Every mark ardently embossed since birth on the body;may or may not prove to be astonishingly auspicious,And every thing on this Universe that was holy andholistic; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aMARK....Every peacock dancing under zealously thundering rain;may or may not make you entirely oblivious to allother activities on earth,And every thing on this Universe that was iridescentlyfeathered; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aPEACOCK...Every shadow shimmering uncontrollably like a new bornprince; may or may not cast a spell upon your drearilysagging countenance,And every thing on this Universe that was tranquillyenchanting; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aSHADOW...Every wine bubbling furtively in marvelously crystalglass; may or may not intoxicate you beyond sagaciouscontrol; as you guzzled it down with wild frenzy,And every thing on this Universe that was viciouslyinebriating; could not be irrefutably termed; only asWINE...Every snake charismatically slithering through thejungles; may or may not incarcerate you in anenclosure of unending mysticism,And every thing on this Universe that was ominouslyhissing; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aSNAKE...Every nail agglutinated to the gigantic wall; may ormay not disdainfully rust as time unfurls,And every thing on this Universe that was piquantlypointed; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aNAIL...Every slave heinously lambasted by its dictatorialmaster; may or may not yield wholesomely to hiscommands,And every thing on this Universe that waspainstakingly persevering under the Sun; could not beirrefutably termed; only as a SLAVE...Every joke ridiculously bizarre and funny; may or maynot invoke pools of unlimited laughter,And every thing on this Universe that made you smile;could not be irrefutably termed; only as a JOKE....Every destiny enigmatically encompassed within thepalms; may or may not lead to the unequivocal gates ofprosperity,And every thing on this Universe that vacillatinglytruant; could not be irrefutably termed; only asDESTINY...Every hair that was unsurpassably old; may or may notbe grizzly white in color,And everything on this Universe that was insipidlytender follicle; could not be irrefutably termed; onlyas a HAIR...Every precariously poised knife; may or may notbarbarically deprive a person of vibrant life,And everything on this Universe that was menacinglygleaming; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aKNIFE....Every blade of alluringly enchanting grass; may or maynot buckle capriciously under the violentlyoverwhelming storm,And everything on this Universe that was spawningbountifully from soil; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as GRASS....Every garland blooming into a festoon of unparalleledchivalry; may or may not impart fathomlessgrandiloquence,And every thing on this Universe that was profuselydecorated; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aGARLAND...Every crocodile hideously writhing in the marshes; mayor may not pulverize its prey eloping rapidly throughthe dense bushes,And every thing on this Universe that was rusticallyserrated skinned; could not be irrefutably termed;only as a CROCODILE...Every telephone celestially ringing; may or may notbring to you the message you forever desired,And every thing on this Universe that was vibrantlyhumming; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aTELEPHONE...Every toy frolicking gregariously in the playfulshowroom; may or may not transit you back to realms ofinnocuous childhood,And every thing on this Universe that was innocentlybouncing; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aCHILD...Every bell gloriously ringing in the holy temple; mayor may not bequeath upon you the entire richness ofthis globe,And every thing on this Universe that rapped with anenchanting sound; could not be irrefutably termed;only as a BELL.Every roof compactly stitched with brazen straw andrubicund brick; may or may not sequester youperpetually from the satanically speeding storm,And every thing on this Universe that impartedtransient shelter; could not be irrefutably termed;only as a ROOF....Every dewdrop emphatically radiating as the first raysof dawn kissed blue sky; may or may not be pacify thescorching trauma in your throat,And every thing on this Universe that was fabulouslyslippery; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aDEW DROP...Every rope fantastically knotted into boundless folds;may or may not catapult you to the ultimate summits ofyour life,And every thing on this Universe that was tenaciouslycurled; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aROPE....Every pilot exuberantly whistling past the scenery;may or may not crash against the sinister faade ofacrid rocks,And every thing on this Universe that was flying likea rocket; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aPILOT....Every crab cunningly crawling on the placidly nestlingshores; may or may inject its vindictive sting intoimmaculate flesh,And every thing on this Universe that wassurreptitiously sauntering; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a CRAB...Every rivulet of crimson blood circulating throughcountless humans; may or may not be philanthropic,And every thing on this Universe that was ardentlyred; could not be irrefutably termed; only as BLOOD...Every embellished king seated on the scintillatingthrone; may or may not be a dispenser of celestialjustice,And every thing on this Universe which wasunequivocally princely; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as KING...Every earthquake devastating to the most horrificallyabominable core; may or may not swipe civilizations inits uncouthly treacherous swirl,And every thing on this Universe which was resonatingcataclysmically; could not be irrefutably termed; onlyas an EARTHQUAKE...Every ocean ebulliently undulating under milky beamsof moonlight; may or may not drown ships in its savagebottom,And every thing on this Universe that wasmischievously salty; could not be irrefutably termed;only as OCEAN...Every opulently inspiring piano when delectablystrung; may or may not strike an intimate chord withhearts obliviously strewn around,And every thing on this Universe that rhythmicallyrose and fell in a titillating cadence; could not beirrefutably termed; only as PIANO...Every ingenious idea blossoming in the brain; may ormay not lead to the pinnacle of astronomicallyirrevocable success,And every thing on this Universe that intransigentlydreamt; could not be irrefutably termed; only as anIDEA...Every philanthropist incorporating the mission to savehumanity in his soul; may or may not reach the mostdespicably shivering quarters of this colossal planet,And every thing on this Universe that was supremelychivalrous; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aPHILANTHROPIST...Every story deluged with overwhelming romance andenigma; may or may not evoke the intrinsic catharsisof the persona,And every thing on this Universe that was anincredulous adventure; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a STORY....Every wink flirtatiously executed; may or may not leadlovers to the bridge of clandestine absconding,And every thing on this Universe which was even theslightest closure of the eye; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a WINK...Every woman vividly enamoring; may or may not triggerinferno's of raw desire through lackadaisicalingredients of insipid blood,And every thing on this Universe that was unbelievablybeautiful; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aWOMAN...Every castle embedded with exotically evoking royalty;may or may not give you the ultimate gratification ofyour diminutive life,And every thing on this Universe that wasaristocratically splendid; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a CASTLE...Every chunk of wood floating nonchalantly throughwater; may or may not decay towards corridors ofobsolete extinction,And every thing on this Universe that wasopprobriously rotting; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as WOOD...Every cow reigning supremely in an entrenchment ofdivinity; may or may not alleviate the lives ofneglected urchins,And every thing on this Universe that was gloriouslyshining milk; could not be irrefutably termed; only asa COW...Every prejudice stinkingly pulverizing its enemies toinfinitesimal ash; may or may not swipe civilizationfrom its very roots,And every thing on this Universe that was turbulentlyangry; could not be irrefutably termed; only asPREJUDICE...Every dog satanically galloping through theinsidiously empty streets; may or may not find itsrobustly juicy bone,And every thing on this Universe that was diabolicallybarking; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aDOG...Every terrorist pledging to finish blissful human racelike a horde of inconsequential flies; may or may notmanifest his cowardly mission into a veritable truth,And every thing on this Universe that was abhorrentmalice; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aTERRORIST....Every whisper magnetically caressing the placid winds;may or may not weave a tale of sensuously inexplicablecompassion,And every thing on this Universe that was gentlydiffusing; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aWHISPER...Every insect irascibly hovering around celestialbeings; may or may not accomplish its task offomenting irritation,And every thing on this Universe that pertinentlypinches you; could not be irrefutably termed; only asan INSECT....Every game evoking rhapsodic sensations ofunprecedented exhilaration; may or may not linger inmemory for eternal times,And every thing on this Universe that was joyouslyinteracting; could not be irrefutably termed; only asa GAME...Every cat fretting in frustrating starvation; may ormay not get a chance to smack its spout with heavenlymilk,And every thing on this Universe that was cleverlyawaiting its chance; could not be irrefutably termed;only as a CAT....Every beggar wailing on the tyrannical streets; may ormay not appease his gluttony to the epitome of hisappeasing contentment,And every thing on this Universe that was spreadingits palms; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aBEGGAR....Every kite soaring handsomely in fathomless bits ofsky; may or may not escalate above the euphoricclouds,And every thing on this Universe that was ecstaticallyflying; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aKITE...Every bird flapping ravishingly through the boundlessskies; may or may not be a harbinger of unparalleledpeace and divinely brotherhood,And every thing on this Universe that waswholeheartedly free; could not be irrefutably termed;only as BIRD...Every robot fantastically evolved for meticulousperfection; may or may not someday; substitute itscounterparts of the human kind,And every thing on this Universe that was mechanicallymonotonous; could not be irrefutably termed; only asROBOT...Every color vivaciously trespassing dazzling space;may or may not seduce you into a cavern of everlastingyearning,And every thing on this Universe that was vividlycontrasting; could not be irrefutably termed; only asCOLOR...Every Herculean muscle enveloping tenacious shoulders;may or may not surge forward to uplift despondentlybereaved humanity,And every thing on this Universe that was formidablystrong; could not be irrefutably termed; only asMUSCLE..Every parrot squawking animatedly in its cage; may ormay not replicate its master word for word; alike,And every thing on this Universe that was relentlesslychattering; could not be irrefutably termed; only asPARROT...Every mother compassionately hugging her child allthroughout the day; may or may not be able to instillin him the benign ideals of existence,And every thing on this Universe that was protectingyou from disaster; could not be irrefutably termed;only as MOTHER...Every gigantically inflated balloon lingering in air;may or may not burst; when vigorously pecked by thewoodpeckers,And every thing on this Universe that fulminated witha prolific bang; could not be irrefutably termed; onlyas a BALLOON...Every cloth marvelously woven of exquisite Persianwool; may or may not sequester you from the hideouslyblowing winds of torrential winter,And every thing on this Universe which was worn allnight and day; could not be irrefutably termed; onlyas CLOTH...Every gladiator adorned patriotically; may or may notsnatch triumph for his sacrosanct motherland,And every thing on this Universe that was blazinglybrave; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aGLADIATOR...Every picture woven with thrill and melodramaticexcitement; may or may not penetrate emphaticallythrough common masses,And every thing on this Universe that was stupendouslyentertaining; could not be irrefutably termed; only asa PICTURE...Every pen inundated with gallons of overwhelminglyvolatile ink; may or may not spin countless lines offascinatingly sparkling calligraphy,And every thing on this Universe that was spotlesslywritten; could not be irrefutably termed; only asPEN..Every fortress invincibly impregnated with a festoonof scarlet bricks; may or may not defend the mostmightiest of attacks,And every thing on this Universe that was towering inunbelievable charisma; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as FORTRESS....Every spring magnificently coiled into intricatelyglistening folds; may or may not bounce back beyondthe realms of infinite infinity,And every thing on this Universe that wasinsurmountably spongy; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a SPRING...Every mirror embedded in oligarchic chicory rosewood;may or may not candidly reflect; the inner most voiceentrapped intensely in the soul,And every thing on this Universe that explicitlydivulges; could not be irrefutably termed; as only aMIRROR...Every line drawn exotically on seductively simmeringsoil; may or may not reach its ultimate goal,And every thing that was pragmatically straight; couldnot be irrefutably termed; as only a LINE....Every amicable lip blending uninhibitedly with allbenevolent alike; may or may not blossom into anastoundingly tantalizing smile,And every thing on this Universe that was chortlinginto wildly desirous guffaws; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a LIP...Every desert sizzling ruthlessly under the invidiouslyflaming Sun; may or may not witness the mostinconspicuous trace of green in its entire life,And every thing on this Universe which was justspecks of dust; could not be irrefutably termed; onlyas a DESERT....Every loudspeaker blaring ferociously through theatmosphere; may or may not spread its voice to themost remotest corner of this Universe,And every thing on this Universe that was vociferouslysquealing; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aLOUDSPEAKER...Every swimming pool shimmering under pearly moonlight;may or may not entice boisterously bubbling youth inits serenely glistening lap,And every thing on this Universe that was tepidly bluewater; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aSWIMMING POOL....Every skin glowing in perennial flavor of robusthealth; may or may not wrinkle profusely withinevitably advancing age,And every thing on this Universe that was blushingcomplexion; could not be irrefutably termed; only asSKIN...Every curtain majestically sprawled across the window;may or may not sequester the mansion from each ray ofincorrigibly filtering sunlight,And every thing on this Universe that was lankybedspread of cotton wool; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a CURTAIN....Every trophy irrevocably radiating in the sparkle offascinating success; may or may not highlight theepitome of unparalleled success,And every thing on this Universe that was beautifultriumph; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aTROPHY...Every afternoon blazing in scorchingly tenaciouslight; may or may not make you abhorrently perspire,And every thing on this Universe that was swelteringlyhot; could not be irrefutably termed; only asAFTERNOON....Every blink playfully swiping the territory of the dryeye; may or may not grant it with the blanket ofpoignant moisture it badly desired,And every thing on this Universe that was flickeringviolently; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aBLINK....Every fossil mysteriously engraved in the chain ofcentury old rocks; may or may not reveal the explicitportrait of its possessor,And every thing on this Universe that wasoverwhelmingly scribbled glass; could not beirrefutably termed; only as a FOSSIL...Every splurge relentlessly lavishing in gloriousostentation; may or may not end in getting you all thevirtues of life that you desired,And every thing on this Universe that was overtlyspendthrift; could not be irrefutably termed; only asSPLURGE...Every cross stringently inscribed on the walls; may ormay not succeed in delivering in its message ofrestricting insidious activity,And every thing on this Universe that was strictlyinclement; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aCROSS...Every holiday enchantingly basking in the glory ofopulent paradise; may or may not rejuvenate yourtraumatically brutalized senses,And every thing on this Universe that was even atrifle free; could not be irrefutably termed; only asa HOLIDAY...Every headache pertinently pulsating in every crannyof the mind; may or may not devastate you entirely tocollapse pathetically on cold ground,And every thing on this Universe that was irritatinglypaining; could not be irrefutably termed; only asHEADACHE...Every stomach ravenously thundering in pangs ofuncontrollable hunger; may or may not consume theunfathomably colossal mountain of food,And every thing on this Universe that was provokinglyhungry; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aSTOMACH...Every country unbelievably sprawling; may or may notharbor the vivaciously salty sea shores,And every thing on this Universe that was a prolificgathering of individuals; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a COUNTRY...Every mushroom dingily leaping up from dilapidatedsoil; may or may not savor a place in the menu cardsof each grandiloquently flourishing restaurant,And every thing on this Universe that was buttonshaped and fleshy; could not be irrefutably termed;only as a MUSHROOM....Every thought enigmatically wandering through realmsof the discovering mind; may or may not culminate intoa celestially blooming fantasy,And every thing on this Universe that was intriguinglybaffling; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aTHOUGHT...Every helmet adorned courageously on the head; may ormay not succeed in protecting the skull; as themountains crashed down viciously upon it,And every thing on this Universe that was shielded thescalp; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aHELMET....Every tear that emphatically descended down from theeye; may or may not reflect an island of shiveringsadness,And every thing on this Universe that was effusivelytangy; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aTEAR...Every rabbit philandering through the verdant meadows;may or may not escape from the diabolical alligatorsin the slushy marshes,And every thing on this Universe that was inimitablydocile; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aRABBIT....Every minute that mechanically sped past the body ofthe clock; may or may not portray the rapidlyunfurling essence of time,And every thing on this Universe that wasspectacularly time; could not be irrefutably termed;only as a MINUTE...Every word compassionately embossed in the giganticdictionary; may or may not trigger chords of everaugmenting empathy,And every thing on this Universe that was scribbled bya pen; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aWORD....Every boxer prancing perilously in the ring; may ormay not inflict a total knockout of his unsuspectingopponent,And every thing on this Universe that was puffedglove; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aBOXER...Every folly committed unwittingly by a human; may ormay not lead to severely crippling disaster,And every thing on this Universe that wasincongruously muddled; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a FOLLY....Every finger ejecting in marvelous unison from thehands; may or may not be able to grip theindispensable threads of existence,And every thing on this Universe that was anamalgamation of lanky bones; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a FINGER....Every team bonded in the spirit of unbelievableharmony; may or may not kiss the crescendo of victoryas it unflinchingly progressed,And every thing on this Universe that was unitedtogether; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aTEAM....Every pencil extravagantly lead tipped; may or may notsketch each intricately fabulous contour of thescarlet landscape,And every thing on this Universe that was with a tip;could not be irrefutably termed; only as a PENCIL...Every slang spoken in passionately Oriental fashion;may or may not perpetuate thunderbolts of inevitableattraction,And every thing on this Universe that was supremelystylish; could not be irrefutably termed; only asSLANG...Every night dissipating a spell of unmatched desire;may or may not incinerate seductive currents down yourspine,And every thing on this Universe that wasenthrallingly dark; could not be irrefutably termed;only as NIGHT....Every spectacle embedded with meticulously perfectglass; may or may not bestow upon you the crystallinevision of your overpowering choice,And every thing on this Universe that wastransparently scintillating; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a SPECTACLE....Every dragon cataclysmically trespassing through theforest; may or may not succeed in charring the entirewilderness; into bedraggled fragments of chowder,And every thing on this Universe that was breathingfire from its mouth; could not be irrefutably termed;only as a DRAGON....Every mouth lavishly set amidst the captivatingcontours of the face; may or may not utter the tunesof ultimate reality,And every thing on this Universe that was foolishlychattering; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aMOUTH...Every Sun beam wonderfully sizzling upon mud; may ormay not fumigate its deathly decay; with the austereardor in its flaming demeanor,And every thing on this Universe that was golden rays;could not be irrefutably termed; only as a SUN...Every noodle dangling pleasantly from the ceiling; mayor may not be able to incarcerate profuse aliens; inits gregarious swishes,And every thing on this Universe that was voluptuouslypudgy; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aNOODLE...Every festival religiously followed by countless onthe planet; may or may not bond all those murderouslysucking blood; in bonds of eternal love,And every thing on this Universe that was holisticallyritualistic; could not be irrefutably termed; only asa FESTIVAL...Every cactus lingering pompously in the royallyshimmering deserts; may or may not penetrate itshostile nettles into innocent beings caressing it,And every thing on this Universe that was growing fromsand; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aCACTUS....Every key articulately molded into an intriguingshape; may or may not pilfer through the code of thedogged lock,And every thing on this Universe that was intricatelyslender; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aLOCK...Every paper when fanatically crushed by the fist; mayor may not transform its fragile caricature into aflexible ball,And every thing on this Universe that was printed byyour side; could not be irrefutably termed; only asPAPER...Every worm worthlessly slithering through murderousdarkness; may or may not radiate; emphaticallybrilliant rays of light,And every thing on this Universe that was diminutivelycurvaceous; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aWORM...Every iceberg lecherously hood-winking under thenocturnal blanket of stars; may or may not emergetriumphant in decimating the colossal ship,And every thing on this Universe that was immutablysolidified water; could not be irrefutably termed;only as an ICEBERG...Every firecracker raring to thunderously burst; may ormay not bedazzle every single arena of the cosmos withflaming light,And every thing on this Universe that was incoherentlyrambunctious; could not be irrefutably termed; only asa FIRECRACKER...Every discotheque sleazily swarming with sanctimoniousyoungsters; may or may not ignite the night withcloudbursts of untamed desire,And every thing on this Universe that wasbombastically cheap; could not be irrefutably termed;only as a DISCOTHEQUE...Every panther rebelliously sprinting under pearly raysof Moon; may or may not capsize the incredulouslysucculent prey of its choice,And every thing on this Universe that was flaminglybellicose; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aPANTHER...Every missile shooting violently through innocentcarpets of air; may or may not strike its desirousrange of fixed targets,And every thing on this Universe that was ricochetinglike a lunatic boomerang; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a MISSILE...Every automobile speeding like a celestial angelthrough the romantically panoramic landscapes; may ormay not catapult you to the realms above eternallyenchanting eternity,And every thing on this Universe that was racingbeyond its limits; could not be irrefutably termed;only as an AUTOMOBILE...Every blind man trespassing across the discordantlybustling street; may or may not transcend past itwithout a single scratch,And every thing on this Universe that was boundlesslydark; could not be irrefutably termed; only as a BLINDMAN...Every butterfly fluttering gloriously in blisteringsunshine; may or may not hoist the gaudy caterpillarsof its inherent choice,And every thing on this Universe that was serenelyflapping; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aBUTTERFLY...Every damsel young and seductively charming; may ormay not be able to entrap the perfect man of herchoice,And every thing on this Universe that was pristinelybubbling; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aDAMSEL....Every wall constructed of Herculean strength steel;may or may not stagger like a pack of mosquitoes asthe uncouth disaster struck,And every thing on this Universe that was compactlysolid; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aWALL...Every spice wavering appetizingly in the atmospherearound; may or may not tingle the taste buds beyondunprecedented capacity,And every thing on this Universe that was deliciouslypoignant; could not be irrefutably termed; only asSPICE...Every guarantee spoken intractably; may or may notmanifest itself into a perennially secure reality,And every thing on this Universe that was aneverlasting promise; could not be irrefutably termed;only as a PROMISE...Every banana skin teasingly huddled on the floor; mayor may not engender you to dramatically slip,And every thing on this Universe that made you trip;could not be irrefutably termed; only as a BANANA...Every talent unbelievably lingering in a timid visage;may or may not flower into eclectically supernaturalsuccess,And every thing on this Universe that was inherentlygifted; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aTALENT....Every zip meticulously riveted to the garment; may ormay not snugly hold it in position on the flabbywaist,And every thing on this Universe that was a precisejuggernaut of steely teeth; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a ZIP....Every bubble rising euphorically in limp air; may ormay not erupt into a fountain of ecstatic froth,And every thing on this Universe that was perfectlysoapy; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aBUBBLE...Every boomerang carved melodiously out of roastedwood; may or may not hurl back towards infinity; afterreleasing its loop,And every thing on this Universe speedily retreatingback; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aBOOMERANG...Every root deeply embedded in corridors of chocolatebrown soil; may or may not withstand the onslaught ofthe mercilessly whipping storm,And every thing on this Universe that was coated withgrizzly mud; could not be irrefutably termed; only asa ROOT....Every screw fantastically engineered to unprecedenteddegrees of perfection; may or may not be able to holdthe tumbledown scaffolding,And every thing on this Universe that was envelopedwith revolving threads; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a SCREW....Every crayon superbly blossoming into a myriad ofgorgeously garish color; may or may not be able tosketch playfully upon the barren demeanor ofboundlessly barren canvas,And every thing on this Universe that was invariablywax like; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aCRAYON....Every teacher sagaciously imparting the indispensablevalues of life; may or may not form a perpetualrapport with his students,And every thing on this Universe that wasdistinguishably bespectacled; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a TEACHER...Every circus flooded with an incredulous township ofacrobatics; may or may not bring laughter to the facesof those horrifically deprived,And every thing on this Universe that was musicallyentertaining; could not be irrefutably termed; only asa CIRCUS...Every prison savagely torturing the blood stainedcriminal for his plethora of misdeeds; may or may notbe able to keep him for countless more of hislifetimes,And every thing on this Universe that was morbidlydark; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aPRISON...Every traveler nomadically wandering since the time hewas born; may or may not be able to tread foot on eachcranny of this fathomlessly intriguing planet,And every thing on this Universe that was walkingbarefoot; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aTRAVELER...Every barber resting like a king in his gloriouslyplush saloon; may or may not scrap the last bit ofdirt from his clients hair,And every thing on this Universe that wasclip-clopping scissors; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a BARBER...Every government romping to power after themanipulative elections; may or may not succeed inwholesomely protecting the sacred solidarity of itspeople,And every thing on this Universe that was the nervecenter of power; could not be irrefutably termed; onlyas GOVERNMENT....Every scientist incessantly engulfed in chambers ofbubbling test tubes and space crafts; may or may notdiscover the gene that could assassinate devilforever,And every thing on this Universe that was clad inapron and gloves; could not be irrefutably termed;only as a SCIENTIST...Every train whistling royally through the wildernessof the jungles; may or may not impart inexorableexhilaration to its passengers seated despondentlyinside,And every thing on this Universe that was shriekingand on rails; could not be irrefutably termed; only asa TRAIN...Every mask fabulously woven in different dimensions;may or may not completely conceal the true identity ofits dastardly beholder,And every thing on this Universe that was clandestinecloistering; could not be irrefutably termed; only asa MASK...Every arrow chiseled more lethally sharp than theknife; may or may not puncture its obsessivelyfocussed target,And every thing on this Universe that was dedicatedlymission oriented; could not be irrefutably termed;only as an ARROW...Every article laden with eloquently vibrant imagery;may or may not reflect the supremely volatile spiritof harmonious survival,And every thing on this Universe that was a juggleryof rhapsodic words; could not be irrefutably termed;only as an ARTICLE..Every maze severely entangled in complications andenigmatic riddles; may or may not lead wholeheartedlyto a victorious outlet,And every thing on this Universe that was profoundlycriss-crossed; could not be irrefutably termed; onlyas a MAZE...Every couple bonded in threads of holy matrimony; mayor may not immortalize the never dying spirit of love;for decades immemorial,And every thing on this Universe that was intimatetogetherness; could not be irrefutably termed; only asa COUPLE...Every pig disdainfully snoring in the aisles oflackadaisical laziness; may or may not lavish gulpingdown the pile of ragged rubbish,And every thing on this Universe that was fetidlydirty; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aPIG...Every crown zealously jeweled at all quarters; may ormay not fit the scalp of the timidly feverish prince,And every thing on this Universe that was stupendouslymajestic; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aCROWN...Every scar pruriently creeping up on innocent skin;may or may not reveal the invidiously hostile disasterthat had devilishly engendered it,And every thing on this Universe that was distortedlyugly; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aSCAR...Every adage perennially existing since this earth wascreated; may or may not change the totteringcomplexion of every impoverished life,And every thing on this Universe that was an impactfulphilosophy; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aPHILOSOPHY...Every garage splendidly harboring a battalion oftrendy cars; may or may not incorporate stealthycobwebs in its Aztec interiors,And every thing on this Universe that was collapsibleshutters; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aGARAGE...Every battery prolifically charged all throughout thenight; may or may not diffuse into light which killedeven the most tiniest iota of disgusting darkness,And every thing on this Universe that was animatedlycharged up; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aBATTERY....Every fork bifurcated into countless blades; may ormay not be able to hoist the crooked piece ofsturgeon; sizzling tantalizingly in the chicory plate,And every thing on this Universe that was bentneedles; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aFORK....Every bull doggedly adorned in robes of satanic red;may or may not succeed in uncouthly goring itsunsuspecting opponent,And every thing on this Universe that wasintransigently stubborn; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a BULL....Every coin iridescently clattering in the insatiableaura of its opulence; may or may not bringastonishingly good luck to its cherished beholder,And every thing on this Universe that was marvelouslyglimmering; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aCOIN...Every geyser mechanically controlled with anunbelievable flurry of contemporary contraptions; mayor may not generate water warm enough to withstand thechilling cold,And every thing on this Universe that wascompassionately warm; could not be irrefutably termed;only as a GEYSER...Every drink glowing a fiery crimson; may or may notinebriate its consumer beyond the realms of pragmaticcontrol,And every thing on this Universe that was ardentlybeautiful elixir; could not be irrefutably termed;only as a DRINK....Every cheek radiantly basking in robustly spellbinding health; may or may not blush to a profusecrimson; when thoroughly embarrassed,And every thing on this Universe that was emphaticallychanging color; could not be irrefutably termed; onlyas a CHEEK....Every ear dangling in razor sharp precision from thehead; may or may not be able to catch the mostinconspicuously minuscule sound loitering around,And every thing on this Universe that was somberlyflapping; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aEAR...Every hero galloping in incredible cynosure andpopularity; may or may not rap the chord of humanityin impoverished hearts alike,And every thing on this Universe that wasresplendently starry; could not be irrefutably termed;only as a STAR...Every string resiliently suspended in open space; mayor may not balance the weight of the monster tryingnonchalantly to tread on its slim periphery,And every thing on this Universe that was wearilyextruding from lackadaisical rags of barbaricallyripped garment; could not be irrefutably termed; onlyas a STRING..Every organism evolved by Omnisciently Almighty lord;may or may not become a harbinger of humanity in thetenure of its life,And every thing on this Universe that the eyewitnessed; could not be irrefutably termed; only as anORGANISM...Every moustache sprouting into a splendidly masculinebush; may or may not be able to captivate the heart ofthe seductively wandering lady,And every thing on this Universe that was a coalitionof hair; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aMOUSTACHE...Every personality having a distinctive aura of itsown; may or may not achieve the wings of heaven; afterit emancipated breath and died,And every thing on this Universe that wascharismatically graceful; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as a PERSONALITY...Every denim jaded stupendously to a stonewash finish;may or may not appease the dynamically plodding youth,And every thing on this Universe that wassubstantially faded; could not be irrefutably termed;only as DENIM....Every scale astutely incorporating all nuances ofmeasurement; may or may not be able to measure theabsolute pinnacles of the sky,And every thing on this Universe that was ferventlycalibrated; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aSCALE...Every obsession fanatically inhabiting each ingredientof the blood; may or may not thrive amidst the hostilepack of wolves,And every thing on this Universe that was insanelylunatic; could not be irrefutably termed; only as anOBSSESSION....Every smell nostalgically hovering in free space; mayor may not incinerate adorably fond memories ofexistence,And every thing on this Universe that inadvertentlyreached the nostrils; could not be irrefutably termed;only as SMELL....Every longing as ardent as the roar of a lion; may ormay not imprison the organism of its choice,And every thing on this Universe that you immortallydreamt of; could not be irrefutably termed; only asLONGING...Every treasury unimaginably glittering beyond infiniteinfinity; may or may not be able to purchase thehappiness it so desired in life,And every thing on this Universe that wasscintillatingly gorgeous luxury; could not beirrefutably termed; only as a TREASURY....Every cockroach loitering aimlessly around thelavatory seat; may or may not choose to frighteninnocent beings,And every thing on this Universe that was patheticallyfilthy; could not irrefutably be termed; only as aCOCKROACH...Every aircraft possessing an Oligarchic pair of wings;may or may not transport its passengers safely; inface of torrentially death storms,And every thing on this Universe that was frenziedlyflying; could not be irrefutably termed; only as anAIRCRAFT...Every athlete fervently dashing towards the finishingline; may or may not wholeheartedly embrace thefinishing line,And every thing on this Universe that wasunflinchingly running; could not be irrefutablytermed; only as an ATHLETE...Every season Omnisciently descending upon harmoniouscivilization; may or may not heal the wounds ofuncouthly tyrannizing destiny,And every thing on this Universe that mostsynergistically metamorphosed its complexion; couldnot irrefutably be termed; only as SEASON...Every prodigy catapulting to the summit ofunconquerable success; may or may not be a benevolenthuman being,And every thing on this Universe that was astoundinglyproliferating; could not be irrefutably termed; onlyas a PRODIGY...Every novel propelled with an armory of fascinatingtales; may or may not hold the attention of its readertill the very last page,And every thing on this Universe that was vibrantlyworded; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aNOVEL....Every angel that descended from the Omnipotentheavens; may or may not grant you; your unrelentingrepertoire of boundless wishes,And every thing on this Universe with silken grace andcharm; could not be irrefutably termed; only as anANGEL...Every heart that throbbed an infinite times inpassionate chests all across the planet; may or maynot find the most supreme love of its life,And every thing on this Universe that fervently beats;could not be irrefutably termed; only as a HEART...Every soul that wanders frantically across theinexplicably mysterious realms of this giganticplanet; may or may not find the peace which itardently desired,And every thing on this Universe that is holisticallyimmortal; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aSOUL...Every corpse morbidly rotting towards extinction; mayor may not contain the impoverished caricature ofthose dead,And every thing on this Universe which impoverishedlyclatters; could not be irrefutably termed; only as aCORPSE...Every conscience which formed the nerve center of apersons existence; may or may not be perpetuallyrighteous,And every thing on this Universe that is honest andthe inner most; could not be irrefutably termed; onlyas CONSCIENCE..Every life that transgresses through swelteringcocoons of shimmering sand; may or may not beblissfully happy,And every thing on this Universe that is blooming withunprecedented joy; could not be irrefutably termed;only as LIFE...