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This is going to depend on who the gun is registered to and when it was bought. But, you need to have your parents, or the parent that owns the gun, put the gun in a lockable gun box. Then go with you to your probation officer, or who ever you meet with and explain the problem, don't carry the gun with you. Just explain the problem at hand. Then you are cooperating with them, and not hiding anything. They will decide if the gun needs to be removed or if your parent can keep the gun in the house while you are in residence. By reporting the gun being in the house you are trying to comply with the terms of your probation, this could help you build a better relationship with your attending officer. I wouldn't wait and let them find it on a suprise inspection or random back ground or gun registeration check. If you would feel more secure, talk with your attorney first and get their guidance, but I wouldn't wait a long time, this can effect your entire future.

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Q: If you are on probation for drug possession felony deferred adjudication can there be a firearm in the home in Texas for protection if it belongs to the parent?
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Not necessarily: you can be adjudicated guilty of a crime and only get probation.

What about deferred adjudication?

Deferred adjudication is a type of plea agreement where a defendant pleads guilty or no contest, but sentencing is deferred while the defendant completes a probationary period. If the defendant successfully completes probation, the charges may be dismissed and the defendant may be eligible to have the record sealed or expunged.

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Meeting the requirements of the deferred adjudication in full can allow a person to get a dismissal. The dismissal may only be done after the community service, counseling, probation, or treatment programs, are completed.

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i was just told yes by a probation officer in Florida. check with the courts or a legal expert in your state.

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Walmart so far is the only one I have found

Can you receive deferred prosecution for a felony drug charge in Texas?

I only know for sure that they may offer deferred adjudication while on probation and once served it can be hidden from public bg checks. It will be visible as a charge until probation is completed

What is a deferred felony?

A deferred adjudicated felony is where the court "puts off" a finding of guilt. Most often during a deferred adjudication, the person is put on community supervision. If the term is completed without revocation of probation it will remain a deferred adjudicated and not a conviction. It is important to realize that deferred is not a conviction. There was never a finding of guilt by the court.

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Will deferred adjudication bar you from owning firearms Texas?

Until the adjudication is final, yes.

What is adjudification?

In SOME jurisdictions 'deferred adjudication' is available for certain (usually minor) offenses. It often involves probation, treatment programs, education, etc.. If all the conditions are met for the allotted time handed down by the court, the offender can avoid a formal sentence. Deferred adjudication can be recommended by the prosecutor or sometimes is awarded at the discretion of the judge.

What is deffered adjudification?

In SOME jurisdictions 'deferred adjudication' is available for certain (usually minor) offenses. It often involves probation, treatment programs, education, etc.. If all the conditions are met for the allotted time handed down by the court, the offender can avoid a formal sentence. Deferred adjudication can be recommended by the prosecutor or sometimes is awarded at the discretion of the judge.

Can you buy a hand gun with a Class A misdemeanor charge was tampering with government documents if it was deferred adjudication from 16 years ago?

Yes, if there was no conviction, and the deferred adjudication is not still pending.