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Q: If you are pregnant with twins and miscarry one will your cervix still open and pass the placenta?
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Is it possible if you abort one fetus and you were pregnant with twins would you then miscarry the 2nd twin?

If you were to miscarry one twin the other fetus can still survive, but the chances for that are SLIM!!

You wipe the fluids with cloth after intercourse is that stopping you from getting pregnant?

No. Lots of semen will still pass through the cervix, so you can still get pregnant.

Your cervix get soft when your period is coming However your period has not come and your cervix is still soft Could you be pregnant?

If you are pregnant your cervix will swell and get firmer to the touch. This is due to the entrance being sealed so it now starts collecting fluids inside.

I am 38weeks pregnant and my cervixs are still close. Does this mean i will have my baby late?

Not necessarily, my cervix was still closed 6 hours before I had my baby at 40 weeks.

Can you have a period while you pregnant?

AnswerNo, the whole purpose of your period is to rid your body of the soft lining of your uterus when your body is preparing to have a baby. So if you are already pregnant, your body doesn't have to get rid of the uterine lining.

If your parents miscarry before you does the baby count as your older sibling?

Yes, if your mother miscarries before getting pregnant with you the baby still counts as your deceased older sister or brother.

Can you hear placenta sounds but not fetal sounds If you are 10 - 11 weeks pregnant and still be healthy pregnancy?

I never heard of placenta sounds?? You should be able to hear your baby's heartbeat by week 11-12 the latest.

What if deeply penetrate a pregnant woman?

You still can't hurt the fetus. No man will reach inside the uterus and the cervix, apart form the mucus plug being there, is also too small. It might be uncomfortable if you hit the cervix though.

Can you still get pregnant with a small cyst on one ovary and one at your cervix?

Yes it's probably very likely that you could. Check with your Dr to be sure.

No fetal heartbeat still feel pregnant and baby has not passed?

There are two possible scenarios here. 1. You could still be pregnant but the monitor didn't pick up the heartbeat. 2. Miscarriage can take a while to actually happen. It can take one day or as many as 14 days to miscarry.

You are pregnant but you bleed after having sexwhy is that?

somtimes its just old blood releasing . but still should ask your dr It can also be from irritation of the cervix from having sex.

You are pregnant-5 weeks your cervix is still open?

You can't see your cervix. I'm not sure why you would think it's open. Have you put your finger in your vagina to feel it? If you do that, it should feel soft like your lips if you're pregnant. If you aren't pregnant it should feel hard like the tip of your nose.