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No, you cannot. Europe uses PAL programming, while the US uses NTSC. Because the Wii is region-locked, the two are incompatible.

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Q: If you buy a US Wii game can it be played in England on an English bought Wii?
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Can a video game bought in another country still be in English?

I don't thinks so. It depends on the game you get. Like me...I speak Spanish and I played "Star Wars-Clone Wars" and i bought it in the USA and my DS was in Spanish so the game was in Spanish too even though I bought it in the USA............ hope it helps

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English introduced cricket game. it was started in England. there are great English players in England team.

Country in which it is played?

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Cricket is a English game. It is started in England.

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Will a European Wii game work on an English Wii console?

Yes, European Wii games are able to be played on a English wii console as England is European. but American and Japan wii games will not work on a European wii or English.