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Easy.Four.Calling something a different name doesn't make it that.

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Q: If you call a cows tail a leg then how many legs does the cow have?
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How many legs does a dog have if you call the tail a leg?

This is anatomically incorrect, but if you were to arbitrarily rename the tail a "leg", most dogs would have 5 "legs". However, there are dogs with only two or three legs and a tail, so you can't make a blanket statement.

How do you call a cow with no legs?

Well it certainly ain't a cow, that's for sure. Cows don't have arms, they have legs, and consequently with no legs or head (or tail) they'd be nothing more than a big heavy block of "beef."

What you call a tadpole with 4 legs and a short tail?

a froglet

Does a cow have an inside skeleton?

Cows do not have an inside skeleton. They are supported by a network of fluid-filled bladders that provide rigidity to their legs and tail.

How many legs do birds have?

A Bird has 2 legs.

How many legs does a sea cow have?

Manatee's have two front flippers and a tail. They do not actually have legs.

How many legs does a sea horse have?

sea horses don't have legs. they only got on tail.

How many legs does a seal have?

Seals do not have legs they have 2 front flippers and a rear tail.

How many legs does a cat have?

Four. A cat has two front legs and two back legs.

How are sea cows mistaken for mermades?

its tail resembles a mermaids tail

How does a cow get up?

Cows stand up back end first - they rock their weight onto their front knees and 'pop' their back legs upright. They then rock their weight towards their tail and pull their front legs up underneath them.

How many legs would a dog have if its tail was a leg?

5. A dog has 4 legs and 4+1=5!