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I have answered this question countless times, and unfortunately, both, the question and the answer are based on opinions and beliefs. However, I also sometiems partake in the indulgence of common sense. "If you confess you are blessed with forgiveness?" can be answered with "When a child does something wrong, is he punished?" As it can be seen, the answer to your question is "no," while the answer to the latter is "yes." When a person does something wrong, why should he be blessed and forgived just because he confessed to it. That would just make it easier for the warden or anyone that is responsible for delivering the punishment. So with small amusement, I suggest that when you confess, it would be to your benefit to bring a lawyer.

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Q: If you confess you are blessed with forgiveness?
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Should a person confess their wrongdoings and ask for forgiveness before you forgive them?

No if your wrongdoings are bothering you confess them first maybe that person will learn to trust you.

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they were urged to confess their herest and to ask forgiveness.

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It never was. We receieve forgiveness when we accept Christ as our saviour, and confess that He is God, Creator, Lord of all.

Do Christians confess theyre sins?

yes, but you have to pray to god about the sins you commited and ask for forgiveness

Why do you confess your sins to a priest in the sacrament of penance?

Roman Catholic AnswerBecause that is what God made the ordinary vehicle for His forgiveness.

Do Muslims have an opportunity to confess their sins within Islam?

Yes. Allah is so merciful that when someone do a sin and ask for forgiveness He forgives, the person again repeat the same act and ask for forgiveness He forgives until 70 times he do the same and ask for forgiveness He forgives. Apart from a few acts for which there is no mercy, a Muslim can confess for all sins and the opportunity remains unt death. .

Sacrement of reconciliation confessions of sins confess to who?

Confess to the God of Abraham and of Jacob tell him the things you have done wrong and ask for forgiveness. He will forgive then read your bible every day. Hope you enjoy ;-)

What are ways to receive forgiveness for sin other than the sacrament of reconciliation?

The only way to receive forgiveness of sin it to confess it to God and to repent from it. Read psalm 51 in the King James Version.

Why do catholics receive the sacraments?

As a sign of forgiveness for their sins. Other religions besides Catholicism also receive the blessed sacrament of Holy Communion.

What does confess your sins mean?

It means to pray to God, speak to God and tell Him what you have done as an act of sin... like what I do.. is that I tell God what sin I have comitted and ask for forgiveness. It is the first act of repenting.

Why do you go to confessions?

You go to confession to confess to God your sins, you pray for forgiveness and god listens he will forgive you. If you are truthful and truly sorry for what you did then god will forgive you.