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The two dollar bill!!!!!!!

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Q: If you could propose a bill to congress what would it be?
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Can the White House propose a bill to congress?

The White House can only suggest that the Congress consider a bill to become a law. However, only a member of Congress is allowed to propose the bill directly to Congress.

Who propose the bill of rights to congress?

James Madison

To propose a constitutional amendment Congress uses a what?

Public Bill

I thought Bills originated in the House how can Obama propose a bill?

He, by himself, cannot INTRODUCE a Bill in Congress, however he can PROPOSE that a Bill be introduced by his political party.The distinction lies in the definition of the words: propose and introduce.

If a president cannot propose a bill how did Obama propose the health care bill?

Bills must be introduced by members of Congress (and, in the case of bills requiring expenditures, by members of the House of Representatives). The President must persuade a member of Congress to introduce any legislation that the President wants.

Why did clinton have conflicts with congress?

Bill Clinton had conflicts with congress because he was a Democratic President and the Republicans controlled Congress. He could get his health care reform bill passed.

The Bill of Rights guaranteed that Congress would not interfere with the rights to?

The Bill of Rights guaranteed that Congress would not interfere with the rights to religion, speech and press. The Bill of Rights are the first 10 amendments of the US Constitution.

What number could not be given to a bill congress?


When the first congress under the new constitution met in late April of 1789 the most important item of business was consideration of a proposal to?

propose a bill of rights

What does Congress do to the president s budget?

Congress approves the budget. Actually the President submits a budget REQUEST and the House of Representatives acts on it to write the actual budget and pass it as a Bill. The budget bill then goes to the Senate but the Senate may propose or concur with amendments as on other Bills.

A bill may be proposed by?

In the Congress, a bill may be proposed by a member of the House of Representatives. It has to pass through the House before coming before the Senate. However, in general, anyone can propose a bill to their representative in the House, and have it proposed on their behalf.

What can a president do when congress passes a law?

He/she can sign it into law or veto it. Near the end of a session of Congress, the President may refuse to sign a bill, and it cannot be returned to the Congress. This is called a "pocket veto."