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It is not valid!!! Your new marriage is not valid as you are still married so, that's Good! You were never divorced! Are you in Texas? If you married in good faith (believing you were divorced) then you are fine with your second marriage. At least that is how it was 20 yrs ago when the same thing happened to me.

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Q: If you divorce your spouse and remarry then later find out your divorce was not finalized what is the status of your new marriage?
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A person cannot sue their spouse for breach of marriage contract. They can however sue them for divorce and end the contract of marriage.

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North Carolina does not recognize common law marriage. However, if a couple moved to NC from a state that had recognized their common law marriage, it would be recognized in NC. If either party in that marriage wanted to remarry in a legal civil NC marriage, they would need to divorce their common law spouse.

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Someone is not allowed to remarry without presenting a divorce decree. This is the only way that a potential spouse can be safe from fraudsters who are hiding other spouses.

How do you divorce fast to remarry without spouse know?

tell youer spouse you have to work over time or on the days you do not work tell your spouse you got called in and then you can get the devorce papper then have her put her name on the pappers on the last day then you can go get remarry

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I am not sure about other religions, but if you are a protestant Christian, you may only remarry if your spouse dies. If you are a Christian, it is adultery to have a divorce and then marry someone else.

What would you do if your spouse betrayed your trust would you fix your marriage or go for divorce?

If this was the first time the spouse cheated and they are remorseful and want to stay in the marriage then yes, it is worth trying to save the marriage by seeing a marriage counselor who is not there to blame either spouse, but to give them the tools to strengthen their marriage. If the spouse continually cheats then it is best to get a divorce.

What are the advantages of obtaining a divorce?

There are many advantages to getting divorced. After a divorce, your spouse can't sue you for spousal support. You are no longer responsible for debts that your spouse acquires. Your spouse is no longer entitled to a piece of property you accumulate. And, of course, you can remarry.

Is it illegal to get married if you're not divorced?

if your other half passed away and you were not divorced before he/she died then you can remarry. if your other half is alive and you are married to him/her, then you can not remarry IF you live in Europe and America. in some countried you can have more than 1 wife

Can you get married if you have not lived with your spouse for seven years and filed for your divorce?

You can not remarry until your divorce is final, signed and sealed. There might also be a waiting period before you can remarry in your state. Be sure to find out before you get hitched again.

Can you sue your spouse for impregnating someone during your marriage?

No you cannot sue your spouse on that ground. However, you can divorce him.No you cannot sue your spouse on that ground. However, you can divorce him.No you cannot sue your spouse on that ground. However, you can divorce him.No you cannot sue your spouse on that ground. However, you can divorce him.