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There are two things you need to get a visible 6-pack, whopping great abdominal muscles, and zero-to-none subcutaneous(under the skin) fat. Doing the crunches can give you the muscles in a couple of months, but if you have too much padding under your skin it won't help you. Trouble is, the fat that hides your abs is your insulation and your energy reserve, and we're meant to have some of that. Getting thin to the point of getting great abs basically isn't healthy. It can very likely lower your energy levels and your immune system.

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Q: If you do 100 abb crunches and 50 sit ups a day when will you possibly have ripped abbs?
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How many calories od you burn from crunches?

20 calories per 100 crunches, if you're doing them correctly.

How many calories do you burn after 100 crunches?

I have no idea what the previous person was talking about.Anyway, 100 crunches burns about 50 calories.

If you do 100 ab crunches how many calories you lose?

bout 50

If i do crunches everyday about 90 or 100 crunches per day did i lose fat?

Depends on what you eat. If you really want to lose weight try jogging or walking. Cardio burns more fat.

How long does it take to get skinny by doing 100 crunches a day?

Doing crunches does not make you skinny. Eating less calories than you burn and being active (cardio exercise) will make you skinny.

How may crunches does it take to burn one pound?

200 crunches burn about 10 calories, so if you divide 10 by 200 you find that one crunch would burn 0.05 callories.You actually burn 50 calories doing 100 crunches, so 200 would burn 100 calories

Does 40 jumping jacks 30 crunches 20 squats and 10 pushups burn 100 calories?

No it burns more

How can 13 year old get a six pack?

Ok first of all you must do 100 crunches everyday(if it hurts like the hell take a break just about 1 week). When you did 100 crunches about a week do 100 push ups and 100 crunches. When you did 100 crunches and 100 sit ups a week do 100 push ups if you can a week then do all those thing about a month you see a big difference. Remember not to eat much sweets,chocolate,icecream lots of fat things. Eat meat and fish lots of fruits.

How many crunches a night is a good amount?

It all depends on your size, weight, and fat % If you are trying to build a six pack, and you already have a low body fat % I would recommend anywhere from 60-100 crunches a night.

Can you live to be 100?

you possibly can.

How much can you get for xbox 360 for trade in?

you should get at least $100 or more if not you're getting ripped off.

How many crunches should the average 16 year old do per day?

Just to get a little exercise, maybe 100 or so a day. If you want a really toned stomach and abs, then do maybe 200 crunches a day, along with some other core exercises.