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just say sorry i dont want a relation ship at the moment and i would rather be friends.

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Q: If you don't want to hurt someone's feelings when they ask you out what do you say if you don't like them one bit?
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How can you tell a boy you like he hurt your feelings?

You "like"--OK if you like it tell him your glad you'll be missing out DONT like --tell him your feelings !

What happens when someone cooks something bad and you dont like it and you dont want to hurt their feelings?

You eat it anyway; whether you like it or not.

What should you do if you dont like your friend and you are afraid to hurt her feelings?

Ill say sorry that don't like them

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They Dont Like You And Dont Wanna hurt your feelings

How can you get even with someone who hurt your feelings?

you`ll probably have to talk with them about how their treating you, if all they do is hurt you, then i dont think it would be safe to stay around someone like that.

This girl likes me but i don't really like her what sould i do?

just tell her that you dont really like her in the way she likes you nicely or you will hurt her feelings.

What is the meaning of hurting someones feelings?

well, pretty much, when you get hurt by someone it feels like someone is squeezing your chest, it means you hurt someone really bad, watch what you do......... It means they have wounded your feelings, hurt your heart, or your pride, or have let you down in some way that makes you unable to feel the same about them as you did before. The sad part is, they people you love, trust , and admire the most, are the people that can hurt you the worst.

Does a guys feelings only get hurt if they like you?

No they can can also be hurt if they lose face.

What should do when a girl tells you they like?

if u like the girl tell her like her to but if u dont like her then tell the truth but be nice if she really like u and u are mean u will hurt her feelings

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No, why is because hurt people, hurt people, and when someones hurt they might try to hurt someone else like their child.

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ehm it says stuff like YOUR FAT GO RUN they dont mean to hurt peoples feelings they are just naturaly mean

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I dont know I'm just trying to finish English homework....and I dont even like basketball. Sorry if I've hurt anyone's feelings :(