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Your mother, if it's actually owed.

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Q: If you dont live at home and your over 21 should you or your mother get back child support?
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In Arkansas does the back child support go away if the mother dies?

No. The money isn't for the mother. The money is for supporting the child. Back child support belongs to the estate of the deceased and will eventually benefit the child. And even if the child should die, the back child support does not go away.

The child moved in with her mother that owes me back child support. do i have to pay child support now?

Probably, but there should be a credit for past-due support owed to you.

Would you have to pay child support if you adopted a child and then the mother takes that child back?

No. If you adopted a child and the mother cancelled the adoption, you should owe nothing.

If you are 24 years old and your mother is now receiving back child support from the father are you allowed to get the child support from the mother?

no it goes to the mother.

If you send your child to the father for a year should you be required to send him the child support money back?

Yes, its child support. If the money is not used to support the child then its being misused. Alimony would be to support you. If the father is looking after the child, then he should not be paying child support to the mother - she doesn't have the cost of looking after the child at that time. In fact, the mother may well be in a position to send chilod support to the father - it goes both ways and she is responsible for the child just as much as the father is.

If the fathers name is on the birth certificate does he have to pay child support if he and the mother aggree not to?

If the mother doesn't seek a child support order no one will make the father pay. However, keep in mind that the mother can always change her mind and get back child support in the future. If the child and/or mother are receiving any state assistance the father will be required to pay child support.Fathers are responsible for supporting their children. If the mother doesn't need the child support then she should put it in the bank for the child's collegeeducation.

The child is now 15. What will happen to the father paying child support and back child support if you get back together after 15 years?

Petition the court for a modification. If the back support was for any state aid the mother was on, then it can't be forgiven. If it isn't for that, then the mother can write a letter saying she forgives the back support owed to her.

What action should be taken if mother wants her child to live with father but mother has full custody of 17 year old child?

The parents have to go back to court to file a modification of the custody order. They should also terminate any child support order that obligates the father to pay child support

How long does an adult child have to sue for back child support if a child support order was never issued?

Your mother should have pursued your father in court for child support when you were young. In most jurisdictions you have no legal standing to sue your father for child support now, and especially if there was no original child support order. If there was an order at some time your mother may be able to sue for arrears but that seems not to be the case.

Can back child support be paid directly to the adult child rather than the mother?

No, the mother is the one that paid for taking care of the kid and is the one that should be reimbursed for it. If the mother has passed, the money is owed to her estate.

How does a mother cancel child support?

You go back to court and file the papers to do so. The forms are readily available if you want to file them yourself.Another PerspectiveHowever, you should be aware that in the United States most jurisdictions will not allow a mother to waive child support from the child's father. The reason is that the child is entitled to the support of both parents. If the mother doesn't need to money then it should be deposited in the child's name, perhaps for college or whatever the child decides when they reach the age of majority.Also, if the mother is receiving any type of financial assistance the state will pursue child support from the father.

Should a father pay back child support when the mother refused to let the father see the child?

The two concepts are not related. Payment of child support is a financial responsibility. It does not depend on whether you see your children or not.