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Q: If you get all of the blood taken out of you will you become a vampire?
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How can a human become a vampire?

totally, if a vampire takes SOME blood the human will turn in to a vampire. If the vampire takes ALL the blood the chances are most likely to go in to a coma and eventually die.

How do you turn from human to vampire with out being bitten?

According to vampire lore, you have to have all the blood in your body completely drained. If you don't want a vampire to bite you and drink it all out of you, then you have to figure out a way to drain it without that. Just at the point of dying as the last of your blood drains away, you have to replace it with the blood of a living vampire. You can drink their blood, get a blood transfusion from them; or both. But any way you cut it, you're dependent on a vampire to become a vampire.

Will you die after being bit by a vampire?

According to the myth if the vampire sucks all your blood then you will die. But if it sucks just some then you will become one.

In cirque du freak how do you become a vampire?

it is impossible to become a vampire, but in cirque du freak, you can become a vampire by slicing the tips of your fingers and the vampire doing the same thing. you then press your fingertips to the vampire's. blood will pump all th way through your body. depending on how long this process is performed, you will become either full-vampire or half-vampire, but either way, sooner or later, you will become a half vampire. you've gotta read the books to understand what i mean!! =)

How can I become the exact type of vampire that the Cullens' are and have all of Edwards' powers?

impossible no one vampire is the same as the next. you can drink animal blood to be like him at least...

How can somebody become a vampire?

It depends on the mythology. In some stories a vampire is someone who made a pact with the devil. In others merely being bitten is enough to become a vampire. In others the vampire must drink all of your blood then replace it with some of his. There's also curses, viruses and the like. There are as many ways to become a vampire in fiction as there are stories about vampires.

If I am eaten by a vampire will I become a true vampire?

Legends said only those that a vampire wanted to make a vampire would become a vampire. All the rest would die.

What is a good vampire manga?

Rosario Vampire, Vampire Knight, and Trinity Blood are all very good.

Do vampire bats crave blood for its protein?

Vampire bats utilize all the nutritional components of blood, not just the protein.

Which monster that drink blood?

Uh, it's a vampire, even tho werewolves technically do drink blood it's not human blood. and if you're talking about all blood, wouldn't it be all?

Isnt there another way to become a vampire?

In folklore and fiction, being bitten by a vampire is the most commonly portrayed way to become one. Other stories may involve rituals, curses, or supernatural events that lead to someone becoming a vampire. However, these are all fictional and do not have any basis in reality.

If vampire bites human then what happen?

when a vampire bites a human the human can turn into a vampire or the vampire can drink all of the humans blood and kill them