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No, it's not normal. You should go to the doctor, you may need to get a new kind of pill. And you should use a back up method of Birth Control in the meantime. You pill may not be working and you could get pregnant. Just went to doctor today and asked very same question. She said that it is not uncommon. She said your system will eventually adjust and there should be nothing to worry about. I asked her if my chances of getting pregnant are higher when this happens. She said no that as long as I take pills every day at or around same time, I am 99% protected regardless and don't need another form of birth control as a backup.

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18y ago

I would say that your body is still getting used to the artificial hormones you are giving it. It bled only two days and then had a breakthrough bleeding because it hadn't finished. I would suggest that next time around your period will be normal. You usually have lighter periods while on the pill. If you are still having breakthroughs after three months, go back to your doctor and ask for a higher dosage pill and this should take care of it. Hello there. - You shouldn't have break through bleeding while on birth control hun. You only have break through bleeding when you stop taking birth control. Bleeding while on birth control can be caused by early pregnancy, break through Ovulation or because the doseage your on isn't high enough for you. I would see your doctor for a pregnancy blood test to rule out pregnancy. Take care.

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16y ago

Its difficult to say as your period may arrive on the 7 day break or may arrive a few days later.

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Q: Is it normal to get your period during the second week of the active pills with breakthrough bleeding for two months in a row yet get no period when you are supposed to during the sugar pills?
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What is breakthrough bleeding when you are on birth control pills?

According to AskDocWeb, breakthrough bleeding is bleeding that occurs during the time that you are taking the active pills, that is, at times other than during the placebo pills. This can occur when you are becoming adjusted to taking the pills for the first time or if you have been off them for a time and are beginning them again. This is usually an adjustment situation and not serious.

Should I be having a 2 week period while on the pill?

Usually no, sometimes you may experience a side effect from taking the pill which is called breakthrough bleeding. Breakthrough bleeding is a nuisance that can last up to a week, which in sense makes you think it is a regular period but actually its not. Most likely you started breakthrough bleeding during your last week of active pills and then you started your "real period" during the placebo week. If breakthrough bleeding still occurs after 3 months, it is recommended that you consult your physician, this may mean you need a higher dosage of birth control.

Should you continue to take birth control pills even if you start bleeding during your active pills?

You should continue to take the birth control pill even if you experience breakthrough bleeding. Stopping the pill is more likely to make the bleeding worse instead of better, and stopping will end your pregnancy protection. If the bleeding is troublesome or associated with other symptoms such as painful urination, painful sex, pelvic pain, or abnormal vaginal discharge, see your health care provider.

Is it normal to start your period early if you are on the pill?

If its during the sugar pills then this is ok. However if your on the active pills then this isn't normal.

Why are you bleeding 7 days before your normal menstrual cycle?

It could be implantation bleeding if you have been sexually active recently during your fertile period. This can happen 6 to 12 days after conception.

If you have a first day start pill spot a for a day start your period and then it disappears only to have it start again a week later do you have to throw away your pill pack and start over?

If you just started taking the pill recently, breakthrough bleeding which is bleeding during the weeks that you are on active birth control, is normal. Do not stop taking the pill, keep going, this is normal and should clear up within 3 cycles.

What if you get your period a week early when you're on the birth control pill?

If by "a week early," you mean that the date keeps changing every month, this is normal when using the pill. If instead you mean that you have bleeding during the third week of active pills, here's some information.In the first three months of using the birth control pill, unexpected or unscheduled bleeding can be a side effect. If it lasts longer than three months, or is troublesome to you, contact your health care provider, who can change the pill based on the complaints you have.If you've recently started any herbal medications, herbal recreational drugs, or other medications, contact your pharmacist or health care provider to make sure there are no drug interactions that would explain the breakthrough bleeding.If you have taken the pills correctly, and aren't on interfering medications or supplements, breakthrough bleeding is not a sign that the pill is not effective. If you haven't missed any pills, there's no special need to use a backup method during the bleeding or during the placebo week (although a second method like condoms will provide additional protection against pregnancy, as well as disease).You should continue to take your pills on schedule regardless of any bleeding.You will probably not have a week of bleeding on active pills followed by a week of bleeding on placebo pills. If you have bleeding during placebo pills, you can start the next pack's active pills early without any increased risk of pregnancy, if you prefer, but doing so is not medically necessary.

No bleeding during menstruation?

Yes there is bleeding during menstruation

You want to skip your period by skipping your 7 placebo pills but worried about breakthrough bleeding or spotting Can that occur during the first 7 white pills?

yes you will bleed or have spotting cause it happened to me

which of the characteristic of active volcano?

An active volcano is a volcano that has had at least one eruption during the past 10,000 years. An active volcano might be erupting or dormant. An erupting volcano is an active volcano that is having an eruption... A dormant volcano is an active volcano that is not erupting, but supposed to erupt again.

What you can do if bleding during pregnancy?

Get to your midwife or care-giver as soon as possible. In the meantime, lie down, and stay quiet and calm. Many pregnancies have breakthrough bleeding, it can often happen without it having any bad meaning.

What is abnormal uterine bleeding?

Abnormal bleeding includes bleeding between menstrual periods, excessive bleeding during a menstrual period, or bleeding after menopause