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Negative HPTs usually mean you are not pregnant. A doctor/midwife would be able to hear the fetal heart at this stage or an ultrsound scan would show the fetus.

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Q: If you have been throwing up having light periods but had 2 neg hpt but were 14 weeks into pregnancy- would you be able to tell if you were pregnant?
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You had two periods within two weeks can you be pregnant?

No. Missing periods are an indication of pregnancy, not having too many.

Can you take a pregnancy test while menstruating?

Yes you can do a pregnancy test while in your periods. But there's no need to do it because you are 100% negative. Having monthly periods means that you are not pregnant.

Can get pregnant if I'm not having periods?

Depends. Why aren't you having periods? A period is not necessary for pregnancy. Some women are "constantly" pregnant; that is they get pregnant after each birth before they have a period. (Each period is the result of not getting pregnant.)

Can you get pregnant right after your pregnancy?

As soon as you start having periods again, yes. It's a myth that breast-feeding prevents pregnancy - it doesn't

How does late age affect pregnancy?

Because when girls stop having periods, they cant get pregnant any more.

Am on my 2nd period in the same mouth and are having some pregnancy systems am i pregnant?

no cause if u where you wouldn't have periods you dunce.

If you are on the patch and still having your periods but feeling fluters in your tummy and your tummy is getting bigger are you pregnant?

A missed period and positive pregnancy test are signs of pregnancy. Take a pregnancy test.

You started your period five days early could you be pregnant?

If you are having a period, you are not pregnant. However many women confuse their periods with vaginal bleeding and vaginal bleeding can be a sign of pregnancy particularly in early pregnancy.

Is it safe to have your periods when you are two months pregnant?

If you're having periods, you're not pregnant. Other bleeding during pregnancy could be a very bad sign for the health of the foetus however, so go to the doctor if you're sure you're pregnant but bleeding.

Could you have your period for a hole month then found out that your pregnant?

yes! some people go their hole pregnancy without noticing that they are pregnant, having their normal periods and all. strange but true...

Is it harder to get pregnant when your on your period?

It is unlikely but not impossible to get pregnant while you're having your period. Just like every woman is different, so are her hormonal balances and hence her menstrual cycle. Though there are generalities on which some ground basics of menstruation and pregnancy can be formed, eventually it all boils down to individual physiology. So, yes, you can get pregnant during your periods. There is a definite chance that any woman can get pregnant during her periods. Though the chances of pregnancy during periods are usually low during periods, they exist for all women. During periods, the chances of pregnancy are comparatively lower at the onset of a woman's period and increase just after her periods. The truth is that there is no predictable time during the month when the risk of pregnancy can be said to be absent.

You have been having regular periods but you have strange nausea spells Could this be a sign of pregnancy you got pregnant earlier this year but miscarried before any symptoms could show?

It could be a symptom of pregnancy but you do not have normal periods that are heavy flow during pregnancy. You can experience light bleeding but not heavy. Do a test.