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I depends if you wish to go around the poles or around the equator..the earth isn't a perfect sphere.Around the poles through Paris in France is 40,000 kms.

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Q: If you pull a piece of string around the world how long would it be?
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Well how long is a piece of string.

If the length of a piece of string... is any length of string cut from a spool... 'what is the maximum length of a piece of a piece of string' or 'how much string is on a spool'?

100 metres seems to be the length of a spool of gardeners cotton Discuss:How_long_is_a_piece_of_string...we are not talking about jute twine here!So the maximum length of a piece of string would be 999.99mm!So the real answer to 'how long is a piece of string?' would be...anything between 0.01mm to 999.99mm.

If you hang a magnet on a piece of string what would it do?

it will do nothing

What would be the length of that diagonol piece of pipe?

A bit longer than this piece of string!

What is string art?

String art is a type of art using various colors of string. To make a piece of string art, you would typically take a board and pound nails into it, leaving part of the nail sticking out. After the nails are places, you take the string and wrap it around the various nails, making geometric patterns.

What is the circumference of a cup?

A cup is usually a roughly cylindrical hollow container. The circumference of a cup would be the length of a piece of string wrapped around the cylinder.

There is a piece of string wrapped tightly around the earth How much longer would the string be if there was a gap of 1 meter between the earth and the string?

Just over 6 (2 x pi) meters, assuming the earth is perfectly round and the string is 1 meter above it all the way round.

What are common items that would best represent the primary structure of a protein?

beads of different colors joined together on a piece of string

What is the number of pieces of string you can get by using 16 cuts to cut apart a straight piece of string?

the normal amount would be 17

Which formula would you use to find the length of a piece of string that goes around a rectangle that is 3 feet long and 2 feet wide?

(Length + Width) x 2

How would the planet move if the sun suddenly disappeared?

The 'pull' of the sun makes the Earth go around it. It can be compared with you holding a string with a piece of stone attatched to the end. If you start 'moving' the stone (as the Earth does) the movement will take the form of the stone speeding in a circle. That is caused by you exercising - through the string - a gravity-like 'pull' on the stone. If the sun suddenly would disappear, the same thing would happen as when you, spinning the stone around on your string, would suddenly 'disappear' and so let go of the string. The stone then would fly away in a straight line in the direction it was going when you released the string. In the same manner, the Earth would immediately stop speeding around in a circle and fly off in a straight line.

What is the role of plus operator between two string constant?

The plus operator between string constants allows string concatination: string a = "Hello, "; string b = "World!"; string c = a + b; The output of c would be: "Hello, World!".