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Yes, it's still effective. Refrigeration will not change the properties of baking soda.

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Q: If you put a cake that has baking powder in it in the fridge will the baking powder still be effective?
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Can you still make corndog batter without baking soda or baking powder?

yes you can but the coat around the hot dog will not be as this thick as it is with baking powder or baking soda

Is calumet baking powder still available at Target Store?

probably at outlets targets

How do you dispose of old baking powder?

if you use old baking powder, the cake will not rise properly. To test the baking powder to see if its still good, put one teaspoon of baking powder in a glass, add a little water, if it foams real good, you can use it, otherwise throw it out and get new.

Can you substitute baking baking powder for baking soda?

Yes, but you should only use 1/3 of the amount of baking powder specified, when switching to baking soda. i.e do not substitute on a 1:1 basis. Baking powder is a 1:3 ratio of baking soda to cream of tartar. So although baking soda is not exactly the same as baking powder, it is also far stronger. Your cookies will turn out slightly differently, but using baking soda is better than leaving out both leavening agents, since this will result in really hard cookies. Alternatively, use self-raising flour and miss out baking powder and soda.

Why baking soda absorbs odor?

Odors usually stem from acidic substances (more than likely lactic acid in the fridge). Sometimes they can come from less acidic and more alkaline substances like rotten meat. What baking soda does is neutralize the pH of these odors. Baking soda is pure bicarbonate which lowers the pH acidic substances and raises the pH in alkaline substances. Since odors are acidic and basic (meaning the pH level is either high or low, respectively), neutralizing their pH masks the odor. The odor is technically still there, but now the odor's pH level is neutral, making it to where you cannot smell it anymore.

Can you use self-rising flour for baking snickerdoodle cookies?

Yes. Just be sure to omit the baking soda, baking powder, and/or salt.

Can you use bicarb in flour instead of baking powder in biscuit mix?

Bicarbonate of soda (aka, baking soda, sodium bicarbonate) and baking powder are both "leavening" agents. Certain recipes call for baking powder while others call for baking soda due to the amount of rising that will occur and the conditions that are required to cause these reactions. When using baking soda (bicarb) alone, an acidic ingredient is needed to cause the chemical reaction, such as buttermilk, cocoa, etc, however if the recipe calls for baking powder, using baking soda alone will not give you the same effect and the baked good may not rise as fully as intended (although it is still possible to do this). To solve this you can easily make your own baking powder. To make your own baking powder, mix 2 parts cream of tartar with 1 part baking soda (bicarb). This will give you the "double acting" effect you find in most commercial baking powders.

Can you use the baking soda you have in my fridge to bake cookies?

It is not recommended. The soda in the fridge has absorbed a lot of different odors and tastes that will affect your baking. The moisture in the air can also react with and decrease its leavening power. You can test the baking powders potency by taking a spoonful and mixing with a bit of hot water or vinegar. If it bubbles, the soda is still active, but that doesn't get rid of the flavors it has absorbed in the fridge.

How can you test baking powder to see if it still works?

pour it onto a chunk of dry ice and dig up a body of a dead murderer and shove the ice into his mouth. If the baking soda evaporates, the baking soda is still fresh. i think they mean with out getting arested add it to vinger if it fizzes it is still good

Can you use baking powder and bake later?

You can use both to cook. However, if you meant to ask if you can substitute one for the other, you can't. (Not on a 1:1 ratio.) Baking soda is stronger. 1 tsp baking soda= 3tsp baking powder; but substituting one for the other may alter the outcome of your recipe, which isn't necessarily bad in every case.

What is the difference between a single acting baking powder and a double acting baking powder?

Not completely. Double acting baking powder exhibits a chemical reaction in two phases; the first when a liquid is added to the powder (such as when you add milk to turn a dry cake mix into a batter), the second when it is heated (i.e cooked in the oven). This makes it ideally suited to batters which you want to make in advance, but still need to rise. Regular baking powder only reacts when the liquid is added, meaning that it's not so good if you need to make a batter in advance. (By the time you get around to cooking it, the batter will not rise effectively). However unless you need to make a batter in advance of cooking it, both types of baking powder are essentially interchangeable.

Is calumet baking powder still safe to used after its expiration date?

It is safe, it just may not give as much lift as fresh would.