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nopes.. surprisingly the room temp.will increase

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Q: If you put a open refrigerator in a closed system would it get any colder?
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What is colder a can of coke or a glass of coke?

I would say the glass of coke (served with ice-cubes in it) is colder than the can. The melting ice-cubes in the glass of coke hold it at constant freezing/melting temperature (32F), the can of coke comes out of the refrigerator at the same temperature as the refrigerator (~35F) and warms from there.

A well-defined group of objects that transfer energy to one another?

The laws of nature would make this impossible, some energy always escapes.

Why refrigerator is called closed loop control system?

A closed loop system is one where the ouput of the system is at least part of the input. In a refrigerator, the output of the cooling system (the cold air inside the refrigerator) is measured, and is fed back into the system to determine whether the system needs to continue cooling. An example of a fridge that was an open loop system would be one that turns on and cools for 1 hour every 6 hours, regardless of internal temperature.

What is the difference between opened and closed system of air conditioning?

A closed system would be full of freon without any leaks and a opened system would have no freon or has leaks...........

What would you expect to happen to a balloon filled with air it was put into a refrigerator?

As it gets colder the air molecules move closer together and the balloon deflates.

To purify water you would?

BOIL IT! or buy a filter system for your refrigerator

How do you make water cold?

An easy way to make water cold is to put it in the refrigerator. If this is not possible, adding colder water would make water colder. Actually, adding ice would make this process faster, as it is colder than cold water. And dry ice would make it cold even faster than ice (but dry ice is dangerous- be careful).

Will your refrigerator keep food and drinks cold if you disconnect it from the wall outlet?

A working refrigerator with the doors closed can keep food cold just a couple hours. You would then need to plug the unit back in.

Can you unplug and replug in a refrigerator?

yes, after 4 hours past since you unplugged it, you can replug it! 4 hours would be good because of how a refrigerator system works..

What type of system would allow light to enter and exit but would keep any additional atoms out?

A closed system does not let any matter enter or exit, and no energy enters or exits the system.

What would happen to the volume of a gas in a closed system if pressure increased?

The volume shrinks.

What happen to mass and energy in a closed system?

In reality closed systems do not exist. In the theoretical case of a closed system the total energy of the system would stay the same (matter and particles are considered energy to). More important: the energy level throughout the whole system will eventually be evenly spread and uniform (entropy), therefore no energy differential is left to perform work.