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You can start taking the Birth Control pill at any time in your cycle with the "quick start" method. Start it on the day of your choice. Use a back up birth control method for the first seven days of pills. The advantage is earlier protection from pregnancy than if you waited for your period.

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Q: If you stopped taking birth control for about two months should you wait after your next period to take it again?
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When you stop taking depo when should you get your period back?

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Your period started on Aug 10 2007 and has not yet stopped Should you be concerned?

yes especially if you are on medication or birth control

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I would recommend you perform a pregnancy test. Birth control can effect your menstrual cycle and can result in delayed periods. Your period should resume its natural rhythm within 2-3 months but if it doesn't see your Doctor.

HttpwikianswerscomQIf you stopped taking your birth control a week and a half ago and yesterday you had brown discharge then it stopped now your bleeding dark red is it your period?

i am not sure, but you should consider asking your local doctor.

What should you do if you got your period on the 22nd and you got your birth control shot on the 26th but you still haven't stopped your period?

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Should your period be regular after 6 months off birth control?

After stopping birth control, your period is likely to return to its previous pattern. If you were irregular prior to starting the pill, you're likely to be irregular after you stop.

You stopped taking the pill after four days should you have had a period?

Everybody reacts to this type of situation differently. Do not be alarmed because it may take you several months to get back to a regular period after taking any kind of birth control.

How long should it take to get a period after stopping continuous birth control?

It can take up to three months for your period to return after stopping hormonal birth control such as depo provera or the pill. Any longer than this and you should talk to your doctor. Even if you do not have your period, you can still become pregnant so should take precautions if you are not trying to conceive.

If you stopped taking you birth control before the pack was done how long until you get a regular period?

I have been on birth control for 7yrs, and i stopped taking it the end of September. But when i stopped taking it i didn't finish the pack. I am trying to get pregnant. I am concerned that i cant get pregnant and that i should have finished the pack first. I am concerned that i might not be able to get pregnant because i took birth control for 7yrs.

Why have I not been able to get pregnant. I was taking birth control for 2 months to stop my period for 5 months. I just got my period last month and have not gotten it this month.?

They say that if you've tried to get pregnant for a year and nothing has happened, then you should seek help. Why you haven't been able to get pregnant we can't say. you need to be examined by your doctor. Sounds like your hormones are acting up. The pill should not do that and if you ever have that again, no period for 5 months, you should go see your gyno. A period can be late but not skip months.

Can a person conceive a baby after not having a menstrual cycle for 20 months due to Depo-Provera birth control injections?

Once the injections are stopped, periods should return and then you can get pregnant.

How come my period started after being on the depo shot for 2 months?

Sometimes you can still get your period even when you are on the depo shot but it should settle down after a few more months of being on it, some women have periods and some don't it depends on the person, but mine stopped after about 4/5 months. If you have any worries you can always ask your doctor, but it is normal to have a period on the injection. I hope i helped x