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No, and I've never witnessed this happen to anyone else. Most guys just mind their own business, and are more afraid of drawing attention to themselves.

And if some guy did try to make fun of you (or someone else) for having a small penis, then you should just turn it around on them. Call them out on why they're checking out everyone's penis. "Is it because you like them? Is that why you're checking out all the guys?"

The most important thing whenever anyone is trying to make fun of you over anything, is not to act embarrassed. Just laugh it off and call them out on why they are looking. If you want to, make a comment that you're a "grower, not a shower."

If they keep it up, say something like "Wow! You really are obsessed about penises, aren't you? Do you even dream about them at night?" When they realize that they aren't getting to you, and that you'll keep turning it back on them, they will drop it.

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βˆ™ 1mo ago

It is not acceptable for others to make fun of someone's body or body parts. If you experience any form of bullying or harassment, it’s important to address it with the appropriate resources or authorities. Everyone should feel respected and safe in shared facilities.

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Q: If you take a shower in the guys locker room do the guys make fun of you if you have a small penis?
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How do you overcome the fear of being naked in the men's locker room?

Try to focus on the fact that everyone is there for the same reason - to change and shower after their workout. Remember that most people are preoccupied with their own thoughts and won't pay much attention to you. Prolonged exposure to the locker room environment can also help desensitize you to the fear over time.

Is it ok for a child to shower with a whole bunch of guys?

It is generally not appropriate for a child to shower with a group of adult men or older boys. It is important to prioritize the child's safety and privacy in such situations. If possible, the child should have their own designated shower area.

How do you take a shower with hot guys?

In a respectful and appropriate manner. It's important to establish clear boundaries and ensure everyone feels comfortable and safe in the situation. Communication and consent are key.

What do guys like about guys?

There isn't a one-size-fits-all answer to this question, as individual preferences and attractions vary widely among men who are attracted to other men. Some common attributes that guys may appreciate in other guys include physical attractiveness, confidence, sense of humor, emotional intelligence, and shared interests or values. Ultimately, like any relationship, mutual respect, communication, and connection are key components of a strong, fulfilling bond between two people.

Why do big guys bully little shy guys?

Big guys may bully small shy guys as a way to exert power and dominance. They may see the shy guy as an easy target and use bullying as a way to feel better about themselves or to show off in front of others. It's important to address and prevent bullying behavior regardless of the size of the individuals involved.

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No, queefing specifically refers to the release of air from the vagina. It is not possible for men to queef through their penis because they do not have the same anatomy as females do.

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Are some boys shy to shower with other boys?

At younger ages, yes. Most aren't comfortable being naked around others yet, it takes time to realize that around peers of your fellow gender, it's nothing to care about. I was one of the only guys at school who used the open shower room in the locker room because most of the guys said it was 'gay', though I didn't care as I needed a shower and wasn't going to be home for hours.

Anyone shower naked in locker room?

Absolutely, you shouldn't be embarrassed to show ur junk in the locker room. Its normal and a great bonding experience for teams. Highschool hockey teams are naked in front of everyone all the time and It in fact makes everyone more comfortable with each other Sometimes no one will be naked because they aren't sure if they should be but if someone takes the first step and shows their stuff, everyone will soon follow along.

How do you know your penis is small?

If you make girl's laugh. The official way accepted by guys though is to measure it in length and thickness. If it is shorter than 5-6" or thinner than 3-4" you have a small penis. (That is the standard in America)

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Probably not. There's a natural curiosity during your teenage years to see your friend's penis and to compare their development to your own. I know guys in my high school gym class that were straight and would compare penis size in the locker room. You're only gay in my opinion if you desire a sexual relationship with another man, and I don't think you do.

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Nothing, that's just the way you are. The guys in the locker room is not everybody. Lost of guys are the same way. Some Hispanic or Mediterranean blood in your family history? Doesn't have to be close, could be several generations back, could just be a random mutation. Nothing to be concerned with. Killerseemore would like to add that when in the womb, if your genital reign is up against the placenta upon berth and through out your life your genitals will be darker then normal

How do you overcome the fear of being naked in the men's locker room?

Try to focus on the fact that everyone is there for the same reason - to change and shower after their workout. Remember that most people are preoccupied with their own thoughts and won't pay much attention to you. Prolonged exposure to the locker room environment can also help desensitize you to the fear over time.

Do all guys have the same lenght penis?
