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It is possible because of the dirt, Bacteria, and such. So, you might want to try avoiding touching your/the pimples.

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Q: If you touch a pimple and then touch your face will you get one?
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Related questions

Is touching a pimple bad?

It is not advisable to to touch your or someone else pimple.

How do you get a pimple?

you get hot and your pours open. your face is oily so the oil gets in the pours. the pours close and get infected leaving a pimple on your face

Why has a small hole appeared in your face?

those little hole are called pores...they come on your face because you touch your face to much to get rid of them just wash your face 2x a day

What is a raised colorless circular one spot rash on your face the size of a pea?

probably a pimple.

How do you control pimple?

use medicines you can find at drug stores. also, wash your face everyday-a clean face keeps away breakouts. dont touch your face and keep it clean like said works. olay facewash

How can you reduce pimple marks in your face?

get a tan

Hard bump on your chin but it is not a zit what is it?

it is a bruise or a pimple forming it hurts alot even to the touch and it can take up to a week to form a pimple but it is a big one good luck! do not pop it though

Does pepperoni really give you pimples?

Haha! I know where you got that from. It doesn't. You touch the pepperoni, it gets grease on your fingers, you wipe a piece of hair out of your face, you just got a pimple

When you have an pimple?

When you have a pimple it is from grease and other things that are not healthy for your face. you should probably pop it. i know its sounds gross but. ITS WORTH IT!

How do you get rid of a dead pimple?

Peel the skin off there face

What happens if you apply pure dettol to face pimple?

it will burnt

Are there any products to fill in lost tissue due to a pimple please help?

Don't pick the pimple and you won't get an indent on your face.