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Well, the bad news is that when you lose weight you lose it every where. You cannot spot reduce. Spot reduction is a myth. The good news is that you wont lose that much from your breasts and you can do exercises to help both your butt and your breasts look at least perkier.

Doing the Modified Crunch, Soup Can Press, and Incline Fly might make you breasts appear larger.

Now, here are the 10 best exercises to make your butt look better:

1. Squats then you lay up side down for a hour to lose fat everwere

2. Lunges

3. Step Ups

4. Hip Extensions

5. One-Legged Deadlifts

6. Hiking

7. Biking

8. Running

9. Kickboxing

10. Walkings

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Q: If you want to lose 10 pounds but when you exercise you lose weight from your butt and breasts how can you lose just the unwanted weight and keep the rest?
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