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Answer Yes; there is nothing inherently wrong with wearing a tampon while you're swimming. It's possible (but unlikely) that if you are doing highly active things in the swimming pool and your bathing suit does not fit properly, you may have some water seep into your vaginal cavity and it will be absorbed by the tampon. The chances that the amount of water that the tampon absorbs would be enough to keep it from absorbing blood are incredibly small and you should not have to worry about it. I would check/change your tampon at least two hours after getting out of the pool just to be on the safe side; however, if you are in a social situation (such as a pool party) then put in a fresh one just before the party and you shouldn't have to worry about it too much. Bringing a spare is always a good idea, but your tampon will still work after getting in and out of the pool. Hope that answers your question! Answer On tampon packets and instructions, it generally says to put a new one in before swimming and put a new one in after swimming

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Q: If you wear a tampon when you go swimming when you come out of the water will it still absorb the blood?
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When swimming does your period stop?

In some cases it does. I would still highly recommend a tampon because there is the high risk that you can still leak. The pressure from the water is what "stops" it. If you were to cough, laugh, or sneeze, the pressure of the blood exiting the body could change and result in a leak. Good Luck!

Can you still go swimming if you have a period?

You can, but for the safety of others in the pool {And to avoid embarrassment}, you should use a tampon while in the water.

Why do you get clear fluids on your panties through tampon?

The last day or so of your period may just be so light that you are no longer passing the blood from the uterus but also the clear discharge from glands in your vagina or mucus from your cervix that is colorless.

Does a tampon prevent the sperm from fertilizing the egg at all?

NO !! of course not ,, think about how it got there to start with, no!!!! the sperm got there first... a tampon would just push it in further. Even if you did for some reason choose to have sex with a tampon in, this will not prevent pregnancy because the tampon would just absorb some of the semen, and it would still be "in there" Good luck trying to find the tampon after having sex with it in.

What are the chances that a tampon will release the blood flow in the water?

Chances of leaking in the water while wearing a tampon, also using them correctly such as by inserting a fresh tampon before swimming and using correct absorbency, is fairly low but still possible. If worried you may want to consider using a menstrual cup, these are internal like tampons but hold far more than tampons and have light suction so don't leak like tampons.

How do tampons work?

when using a tampon... u simply have 2 stick ur foot up on a toilet. then put ur fingers on the tampon. find the opening of ur vagina and open it. put the tampon under u and push the tampon into ur body. next, take ur pointer finger that was holding onto the tampon and push the tampon into ur body. pull the non - tampon part out of ur body and throw it away. the tampon will suck up the blood. after 4 - 6 hours... pull it out and throw it in the toilet. replace with a new one. when you go to change it if there are still white patches on it, try a lighter flow one next time or if you need to change it more regularly or it leaks then try a higher absorbancy tampon to find the right one for you. :)

Do you need a tampon to go swimming?

no you do not need a tampon to go swimming. When you are in the water you stop bleeding, but when you get out make sure to put a pad/tampon on right away. hope this helped!!! -- During your period you should definately wear a tampon while swimming. The blood might not be that visible when you're in the water but it's still coming out. Plus if you got out of the water and you weren't wearing a tampon it would get all over the floor x D. I'm a competitive swimmer ^ _ ^; If it's your first time don't worry, only the bottom gets wet with water and the blood is absorbed by the top. A tiny bit might come through but not enough to see. The cotton string is strong enough to easily withstand water. ****** YES!!! dont listen to the first answer you should always use one when swimming. Blood will still come out and when u get out you'll be embarrased.

Can girls still swim even if they on their period?

yes of course you can swim when your on your period water prevends the blood from getting released from your body. So as long as your not in the water for a long period of time then your fine.

Dose a tampon ill up if you are laying down?

Yes, tampons still fill-up while you're laying down - due to gravity less blood flows down into the tampon, thus one reason why tampons shouldn't be worn overnight as it would be like wearing too high an absorbency, but blood will still flow.

Why is there only blood on one side of the tampon?

Thelikelihoodis that the tampon is going to the side of the cervix, so as the blood leaves the cervix it is only hitting the one side of the tampon - try different types of tampons, or better still consider softcups or menstrual cups.

If someone got their 1st period today and they love 2 swim can they still without making a mess?

Of course they can still swim. The person will want to ensure to use a fresh tampon (not a pad) prior to swimming, and change it soon afterwards.

Can you still get your period if you were a tampon before you have it?

Yes, a period is a result of hormones and wearing or not wearing a tampon has nothing to do with it. Never ever wear a tampon without having a period. Read the warnings on the tampon box because it tells you not to do that.