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It will probably depend on the court order or agreement that sets up the rules for child support in your case. If there is not a court order, then there really is not any enforcement of non-payment available to you. Most states have a formula per child that the non-custodial parent pays toward child support. In Texas, it was 25% of the non-custodial parent's income per child--not really with any consideration of which person made the most money. (disclaimer: this is information based on experience, not a law degree!)

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Q: If you were an unmarried single parent and later got married. Does this affect the child support order with the non custodial parent?
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Does a non custodial parent have to pay if the custodial parent gets married NM?

The CP's marriage should not affect the NCP's child support obligation.

In Texas if the custodial parent remarries does that affect child support?

In general, no. (I suppose the answer might be different if she married Donald Trump.)

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If the custodial parent is on any public assistance he or she must attempt to collect financial support from the non custodial parent or they will be disqualified for public aid.

If the non-custodial parent owns their own business how will that affect child support to custodial parent?

In theory it should have no affect at all - self-employed persons are not exempt from paying child support. In fact, if that person is not cooperative it can be hard to verify her/his income and also hard to collect support once an order is entered.

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No. The non custodial parent's income and assets in conjunction with state laws pertaining to the issue determine the amount of child support that should be paid. The income of the custodial parent is only considered in very rare circumstances.

Does adoption of child by non-biological parent affect the non-custodial parent as far as visitation and child support?

Yes, both are suspended.

The custodial parent is receiving social security for himself and for the two girls and now are receiving child support how does the child support affect the social security he is receiving?

As he's on SSD, none at all.

Can a custodial parent get more child support when their teenage children choose not to visit their non-custodial parent?

No, visitation and child support are 2 separate entities. The only way this would affect your support amount is if you are set up with 50-50 custody and the child stops going to the other parents house and you take them to court to get primary custody.

Do you still receive child support if he is visiting his father?

Depends on how long the visit is. But if the father is the non-custodial parent in this case, then he will have to pay child support on this child. Different states vary in their laws. But typically a "visit" will not affect child support.

If the Custodial parent receives a Large sum of money does that effect the Child Support amount of the Non Custodial Parent in the state of Florida?

No. Even a substantial increase in income can have a limited affect, and than only to extra items. see links below

Can an unmarried father with only visitation stop the married mother from leaving the state?

When a visitation order is in affect the non custodial parent has the right to request the court to prevent the custodial parent from moving from the state of residence. The issue of marriage is not relevant if the male has been legally certified as being the biological father. The court issuing the visitation order has jurisdiction in such matters and the ruling of whether or not to allow the custodial parent to move is based on the best interest of the children involved. Generally the court will not prevent such a move if it relates to a job transfer, remarriage and so forth, but will amend the visitation schedule, sometimes making the custodial parent bear the responsibility of transportation arrangements when visitation is mandated.