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An impossible question to answer on this venue. You must institute a claim against his insurance company to learn what his limits of coverage are.... if any.

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Q: If you were moving a700lb safe down stairs for a friend and it fell on you and you developed 3 hernias would his homeowners cover your time off work from surgery and any left over medical bills?
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Related questions

What medical procedure is used to treat a hernia, and how long does it take to recover from the aforementioned surgery?

Hernias are usually treated with physiotherapy techniques and surgery is only used as a last resort. The surgery for hernias is vental hernia surgery and can take 8 to 12 weeks to recover,

What are the steps to take to relieve hernias?

Some hernias are bad enough that they require surgery. Other ways to relieve hernias are acupuncture, yoga, and depending on what part of the body is herniated, eating smaller meals.

What characteristics does a successful hernia repair have?

The outcome of surgery depends on the age and health of the patient and on the type of hernia. Although most hernias can be repaired without complications, hernias recur in 10-20% of people who have had hernia surgery.

How often do hernias happen after obesity gastric bypass surgery?

While hernias are a risk factor after any abdominal surgery they are half as likely to occur if the surgery is laparoscopic instead of open incision. There are many other risk factors and complications such as gall stones that occur in 1/3 of patients after this type of surgery., or your doctor are good sources of information.

Who does surgery for sliding hiatal hernias?

A surgeon must perform a laparoscopic surgery procedure well you should get all the information here on this site

Where can I learn if i have a gastric bypass hernia?

Only a doctor can definitively diagnose a hernia after gastric bypass surgery. Such hernias can develop long after the surgery, so it is important to seek medical attention if you notice changes in your pain level or bowel habits. Abdominal cramping, constipation, or pain may indicate a partial bowel obstruction due to an internal hernia following bariatric surgery. Seek medical treatment promptly if these symptoms arise.

What is the prognosis for a patient with a hernia?

Abdominal hernias generally do not recur in children but can recur in up to 10% of adult patients. Surgery is considered the only cure, and the prognosis is excellent if the hernia is corrected before it becomes strangulated. Hiatal hernias are.

What is the medical term meaning surgery?

A scalpel is a surgical knife

What should you do to cure hernia without surgery?

Hernias are not self curable and must be repaired surgically before an infection sets in with the intestine.

Can hernia occur again after surgery?

Can hernia occur again after surgery? Yes, a hernia can occur after surgery. Hernias are caused by a weakness or defect in the abdominal wall muscle or groin due to strain, injury or weak muscle tone.

What's the advantage of laparoscopic bariatric surgery?

This surgery has a lower risk of infection, less scaring, and a much quicker rate of recovery. The risk is also lower for complications like bleeding and hernias.

What is an example of stomach stapling surgery not working?

"There are some possible complications to stomach stapling surgery. These include abdominal hernias, breakdown of the staple line, stretched stomach outlets, gallstones, and anemia."