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Yes, it is your vehicle. The money owed for it's tow is due to your failure or violation. If you hope to get your vehicle back, pay the fees within thirty days. Some jurisdictions do not wait long to sell abandoned vehicles.

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Q: If your car is seize by police do you have to pay towing and storage fees?
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Related questions

What can i do my car got towed?

Pay the towing fee and any other applicable fees, and reclaim your vehicle.

What does it take to get a car out of impound in Texas?

You will have to pay the towing fee, and any storage fees/fines in order to get the vehicle released.

Do you have to pay towing company if car is totaled?

If the insurance does not cover the expense it is likely the person to whom the vehicle is registered will be responsible for towing and any other subsequent charges such as storage fees.

What can you do if charges were dropped and the case thrown out for traffic stop How do you get your car back from tow yard?

Pay the towing and storage fees then get a lawyer.

How do I get my motorcycle out of the back of my van that was impounded?

Get your van out of impound. That's pretty much the only way.

A car was left on your property when a renter moved out what can you do?

You can have it towed at the owner's expense (meaning you can call a towing company and it will come and tow the vehicle. The owner, if he wants the vehicle, then needs to go to the towing company and reclaim the vehicle by paying the towing and storage fees).

What do you have to do to get car out of impoundment for tags?

Pay the towing and storage fees or possibly make a deal with the tow company to turn over the title to them in exchange for the tags.

What are fees for towing company?

This totally depends on the specific towing company.

Can a dealer hold your car if it was reposed for insurance reasons and the issue is resolved?

Why would they want to hold it? Perhaps you owe them for towing and/or storage fees for the time that it was reposed.

How much does it cost to take a car out of inpound in New Mexico?

It will depend on local towing, impound and storage fees. You should contact the agency that did the impound for information.

If your stolen car is found and it is inoperable are you still responsible for it and any fees associated with it?

If your stolen car is found, it is still your car. If there are impound fees, or storage fees, they are yours. The repair fees are yours. The salvage fees are yours. Towing, recovery, transport--yours, yours, yours.This is part of the reason for theft insurance.

Can a person be sued for storage fees after they transfer their title to the towing company?

If the car was stored for any length of time before the title transfer, the answer is yes. * If the proceeds from the sale of the vehicle (not simply the value of the vehicle) did not cover the storage fees, the storage company could sue for the amount still owed, unless there was a contract where deficiency recovery was waived.