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Try to keep him calm and stop any bleeding that he may have. Talk to your hamster with soft, soothing voices to keep it calm. Don't put ice on it. It will just shock the hamster even more and will be under lots of stress.

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Q: If your dwarf hamster got tangled up in his wheel what can you do until you can take him to the vet?
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What is the best hamster wheel for a dwarf hamster?

The smallest one you can find!

How big should a wheel be for a 4 inch winter white hamster?

6.5-7 inches is a good size for a 4 inch dwarf hamster. If the wheel is too big your hamster will be fine. It is when the wheel is too small that it becomes a problem.

What should every dwarf hamster have?

A cage, bedding, running wheel, water bottle, food.

What do i do when my dwarf hamster can't get out of its wheel?

You probably don't see your hamster when she or he climbs. If you just added something new into your cage, your hamster will be confused because it isn't used to anything new.

Can a dwarf hamster live with a normal size hamster?

No, not everything, they need smaller cages - preferably plastic ones as dwarf hamsters can sometimes fit through the bars. A smaller wheel too, a hamster can hurt itself if its on a wheel that is too big.

What materials do you need in a dwarf hamster's cage?

toys a wheel food water safe place to hide and sleep! xxx

How can you get your very hyper dwarf hamster asleep very fast?

Hold it with both hands.Dont let it go and wait intil its calmed down.Or put it on a hamster wheel and it will eventually get tired!

What should you look for when buying a pet dwarf hamster?

Well, the hamster should be very active and running around the cage they have at the pet store. If the hamster is in the corner or is in the igloo house, then that may not be the best choice. For example, the hamster could be on the hamster wheel, that's a good choice!

Do Chinese dwarf hamster babies sleep more?

no not all the time if it seeses someone it dosent care if its tired it will run on wheel

Do mice learn faster than hamsters?

Because hamsters are very fat and clumsy, and mice are quick and not (very) fat, I think a mouse would be faster.

What is the duration of The Hamster Wheel?

The duration of The Hamster Wheel is 1800.0 seconds.

What is a hamster's favorite thing to do?

run on a wheelplay in those tube things that connect in different wayssleepeatin the circular wheel that makes them run around the house (not for robo dwarf hamsters)i have 2 male robo dwarf hamsters and they love their wheel ALOT