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you shouldn't care about it so much
cool down
let them undrestand what they do
you will be considered much more valuable if you would have such a manner
you will make them embarrased!

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Q: If your friend is trying to flirt with your boyfriend what should you do?
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What should you do if your boyfriend calls himself your boyfriend to his friends but acts like your friend?

Flirt with him and make some moves.

What do you do when your best friend is pissed at you for fluriting with her boyfriend?

My opinion, I would talk it out. If you like her boyfriend, you at least should tell her about it. You are not really a friend if you flirt with her boyfriend. Plus that make you look like a man Stealer.

How do you tell if your boyfriend is trying to cheat on you with your friend who is his ex?

If they flirt/ talk alot, you can check their emails/ texts, and if he is acting distant and uninterested towards you.

How do you get a friend back after you flirted with her boyfriend?

flirt with him some more and kill your friend

How do you flirt with your friend boyfriend?

you dont, this could cause problems between you and your friend

Should you flirt on a girl if she has a boyfriend?

It really depends. If her boyfriend is your friend, or you are just trying to make another girl jelous, it really isn't worth all the trouble. On the other hand, if you accually like this girl, you can flirt with her but only if she flirts back. If she doesn't, than leave her be or just accept that you two arejust friends.

What should good girl do if her best guy friend say flirt and she has a boyfriend?

she should go with her gut and do what she wants to, and if that means to break up with her boyfriend than I think she should but that's my opinion. Just go with your gut.

Should you keep trying to flirt with her?


How do you Mary your sims on sims 2castaway?

You have to flirt with a sim and raise their relationship. (EX. raise it from friend to romantic interest to girlfriend/boyfriend) then, a option should appear, the "Propose" and sometimes, they could reject you...but just keep trying! Hope this helps! :)

My best friend and my boyfriend are always flirting even when I am there I asked my boyfriend and he said he didn't flirt or anything I've already talked to her and my boyfriend What should I do?

well if yall have been together for a while kinda let it slide but flirt with one of his buddys and if he says something then bring up why you did it in the first place.

Is it ok to flirt with your friend when you have a boyfriend?

It is definitely not okay! You shouldn't flirt with other people. It relays a message of immaturity and poor self-esteem. Your boyfriend could also break up with you!

What should you do when your ex-boyfriend likes your best friend as well as you?

Just go with the flow. If you like him flirt, if you dont oh well let your bestfriend get him