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I'm biracial too, I know how it feels to be the "hair outcast"... honestly, the closest ive gotten was just blowdrying it out and using a flatiron (the CHI is awesome) to get it straight and the parting the front and swooshing it to the side. Don't perm your hair, its not worth it. I think having curly frizzy hair makes you more unique and cooler than everyone else whose trying to fit in. Hope this helped :)

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Q: If your hair is long curly really frizzy and you're biracial is it possible for you to have a scene or emo hairstyle?
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What condition in the air produce frizzy hair?

Sometimes hair can be become frizzy either due to cold and dry weather or humid hot weather. But really it all depends on your hair type. If your hair is naturally curly or wavy then your hair will more likely become frizzy in humid weather due to dampness. If your hair is naturally straight you wont have too much of a frizzy hair problem but it may mostly become frizzy from cold, dry weather due to static. Hope that helps

What shampoo is best for frizzy hair?

My hair is very Frizzy and I personal really like Pantene Extra Straight two in one. It leaved your hair feeling soft and silky and best of all it is both a shampoo and conditioner.

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I guess braiding it looks really pretty.