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You have every right to drop out of drug court. I was in the drug court program and have been clean the entire time. 2 weeks away from graduation I had a false positive because i drank too much water before a test. It was complete bull and that's why i dropped out. If you can't get off drugs i suggest staying in, but the whole system is bs.

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Related questions

What is drug court?

Drug court typically is a special court that deals specifically with drug related offenses. In larger cities where drug abuse is more prevelant, having a specialized court for this is often necessary to unclog regular court systems.

Should juveniles be adjudicated in the drug court?

Juveniles should be adjudicated to drug court if they are accused of drug crimes. Drug court offer a second chance to drug addicts.

What drugs does Wisconsin drug court test for?

sorry to say drug court tests for all drugs and levels of them

Can a drug attorney help settle differences in court?

I am not sure what a drug attorney means. A criminal lawyer can represent a drug dealer, a drug company or someone suing a drug company. They can settle differences in court.

What does no one is adjudicated in drug court mean?

It means that in SOME judicial systems, drug court is run as a social experiment where drug use and drug abuse (especially for first-=time offenders) is viewed not as a criminal matter but as a social problem. People who would be found "guilty" in a normal court are only found to be "Involved" in drug court.

What does the drug term drop mean?

The term Drop means to take a drug this is often used hen referring to MDMA or 'ecstacy' "Have you dropped?" "Are you dropping?"

Are Mississippi drug court judges be elected or appointed?

Most Mississippi drug court judges are elected, because they are regular judges of Circuit, County, or Justice Courts. Some drug court judges are appointed, because they are regular Municipal Court judges. Drug court judges have already been elected or appointed as a judge of their court; they simply take on the additional role of drug court judge. Details about Mississippi drug courts can be found at the first related link below. There are links to more info in the right column of that page. I found this information at the second related link below, which also has links to individual drug courts; just scroll down the page and look for "drug court" links in each county.

Can someone on parole get married to soneone in drug court in New York state?

Not if the betrothed ever wants to graduate drug court!

Would a court test for methodone on a child custody case?

If there is a reason for a drug test, yes, the court will request a drug test.

Can you buy a gun while in drug court?


Will Suboxone show up in a drug court drug screen?

Yes, Suboxone is an opiate

Is there any way they would drug test you when you go to your assigned court date when charged with drug paraphernalia as a minor in Texas?

Yes, the court has a right to drug test you as part of the investigation or part of your probation