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A golden doodle. A mix between a standard poodle and a golden retriever. Very smart dogs - no shedding

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Q: If your mom does not like dogs that shed What is the closest thing to golden retreiver?
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What is a great golden?

A Great Golden is a cross breed between the two dogs the Great Dane and a Golden Retreiver!

What is the scientific name for a golden retreiver dog?

All domestic dogs are called Canis familiaris.

Shaving hair off a Golden Retreiver.?

Not a good idea. it can give then exma. painful 4 dogs!!!

What are some dogs that don't bark much and are good around kids?

Yorkie X Maltese, Golden Retreiver

Is a golden retreiver faster then a labrador?

Golden retrievers have longer legs than Labradors so they are faster than Labradors(longer legs, the faster the dogs are

How long does it take for a golden retreiver have puppys?

In general, gestation in humans take 9 months while in dogs it takes 9 weeks.

What is the easiest kind of dog you could get?

i would say the easiest kind of dog you could get would be a golden retreiver. Although all dogs have different personalitys these dogs are very laid back (is you pick the right one)

How much does a female golden lab puppy cost?

It depends. A "Golden Lab" is actually a mix between a goldren retreiver and a labrador retreiver. Prices for them can vary, as anything, but between 400-600 is average. As far as "Yellow Lab", which is a labrador retreiver, that dog is a pure bread and could go for 400-800. I would recommend going on It has dogs all over the country, including puppies!, that need good homes. We are in the process of getting a golden/lab mix 8 week-old puppy from there for $400 in adoption fees - definitely worth it! Good luck!

Do dogs have long legs or short legs?

well, it actually depends on the size of the dog because a golden retreiver has pretty long legs but, a bichon frise or a chihuahua have pretty short legs so it depends on the size of the dog

Are golden retrievers good with animals?

Usually. It helps to raise them in a home with other animals, but that goes for all dogs. Golden Retrievers are very well-behaved, and extremely trainable. They're naturally very gentle dogs. I would say that they're generally safe with other dogs, cats, most livestock..the only thing I would watch carefully with is that's closest to what they're bred to hunt (water fowl).

What is interesting about the retreiver breed?

The retriever is loyal, and skilled at well, retreiving. I have two and they are great, loveable dogs. The retriever is loyal, and skilled at well, retreiving. I have two and they are great, loveable dogs.

What is Alaskas hockey team name?

We don't have a professional team, but the closest thing to it would be the Alaska Aces. In their league they are top dogs.