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It depends upon the state laws. In some states, husbands have something similar to a dower right called a courtesy right. Check with a probate attorney in the state in question.

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Q: If your mother owned land before she got married and it is willed to you does the husband have any rights to it?
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If you get married before you have the baby who has legal rights to the baby my husband or the father?

Depends on your state. In MI, the legal father of the child is the mother's husband. If your child's father is not going to be your husband, do the right thing and let him be involved.

Can a non-paternity father have rights?

Yes, If he was married to your birth mother before you were born.

If the mother has sole physical custody and shares joint legal custody with the father the two never married if the mother dies can her husband who is not the baby's biological father assume custody?

No, unless the baby's biological father relenquishes his parental rights, he would get custody of the child if the mother dies, not her husband. The biological father must sign his rights away to the mother's husband.

What custody rights does a father and a husband have to his children after a year of no contact with the children?

Generally, if married he has custody rights equal to the mother unless she has brought a petition for sole custody in his absence. If he is not married his custody rights must be established by a court order.

Can a biological mother give up a baby conceived while married for adoption without her husband's consent?

I highly doubt that, the father has rights to that child, regardless of if they are married or not.

Does a stepfather have rights to property if mother had a life estate?

No. Mother's life estate is extinguished upon her death. Her husband would have no rights in the property whatsoever.No. Mother's life estate is extinguished upon her death. Her husband would have no rights in the property whatsoever.No. Mother's life estate is extinguished upon her death. Her husband would have no rights in the property whatsoever.No. Mother's life estate is extinguished upon her death. Her husband would have no rights in the property whatsoever.

What are my rights when your mother dies?

If she is married & doesn't have a Will, her husband gets everything. It's up to him to give you things. If she is not married and doesn't have a Will, the children get everything. If she had a Will, you have to wait until it's finalized to see what you get.

What rights do you have as a wife even though you are separated from your husband?

You have all the rights that enure to married couples since you are still married. You have all the same rights you have when you are not separated.

Who has legal custody rights until judges says different if the parents are not married he is on the birth certificate and is married to someone else?

If you were not married when the child arrived the legal custody lies with the mother. The father have to prove paternity in court before he can get his parental rights.

Incarcerated husband property rights spouse?

The spouse of an incarcerated husband has all rights over their property. This is only if the two people are legally married.

What rights does a mother have if custody hasn't been established?

If you are not married the custody automatically falls on the mother and the father have to go to court to get visitation or custody. If you are married you have equal rights.