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It really depends on what you mean by "touched". Yes, you can touch the eggs gently but don't smush them.

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Q: If your mystery snail eggs get touched will they die?
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Will a mystery snail's eggs die if they were laid underwater?

White mystery snails lay eggs in clutches above the water line. If the eggs fall into the water they will drown, but if the clutch dries out they will also die, so what you want is a humid and moist environment

If a snail lays eggs will the snail die?

I don't think so, but check out the link for yourself.

Can mystery snail survive in salt water?

No, they will shrivel up and die.

Will it kill snail eggs if you take them out of its tank?

Yes they will die if you do take them out of there tank BUT they hatch them self

Do snail eggs have to stay above water?

Yes,they will die in water because snails will die under water so yes.

If someone dropped the lid on your snail while she was laying eggs and now she has a big piece of her shell missing will she make it?

Most of the time, a snail with a hole in the shell will die.

Will a baby snail die if its snail shell is chipped?

yes a baby snail will die if it's shell is chipped because a snail shell is very delicate and so is the snail.

How long does it take for snail eggs to hatch?

Female squid lay eggs only once in their lifetime. They lay many eggs at one time at die shortly afterwards. Two weeks later, the squid eggs will begin to hatch and a new life cycle will begin.

Do you have to clean the tank if you have a snail in it?

Yes or the snail will take in to muck backteria and die :)

What will happen if a snail loses its shell?

The snail's shell will get writing on it. What do you think.

Do you die if you eat a baby snail?


Can you put a land snail in your fish tank?

no the snail will most likely sufficate and die:(