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I have the same situation my hips have widened throughout this year (just turned 24) apparently it's not uncommon, for this to happen. All though it usually happens for most females during adolescence. Now I'm just waiting for it to happen to my breasts lol

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Q: Im 23 and Im not pregnant but my hips are still widening is this normal?
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Do your hips grow during period?

Hormones & they may also be widening!

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This can be normal with some Women but see your doctor to be certain.

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The question is quite a conundrum in itself. however it is not possible for your hips to be pregnant. If that was the query.

Is it safe to massage the hips of a pregnant woman?

Yes it is.

How long after giving birth do your hips go back to normal?

Not really. They'll get smaller than when you were pregnant. But will never be quite the same again. Not really. They'll get smaller than when you were pregnant. But will never be quite the same again.

What are hips?

When someone has hips that are suitable for being pregnant. Basically it means there pelvic area could support the baby.

Is it normal for your pregnant hamster to have 2 lumps on her hips?

Yes, Actually this is very normal and you should see it on your hamster when she is pregnant. They should be very large and a bit squishy. Don't toutch them too much though. These are milk sacks on the hamster as hamsters are mammals, and all mammals drink milk when they are infants. So, Don't be scared that your hamster has 2 large lumps on her hips. It's only milk sacks on her :D

How do you look pregnant?

Her hips widen, her stomach gets larger.

Is it weird to have small hips but a big butt?

No , it is very normal for some people. I have small hips and big butt and I feel just as normal as everyone else (:

What are birthing hips?

When someone has hips that are suitable for being pregnant. Basically it means there pelvic area could support the baby.

Is it normal to have sore hips in pregnancy?

Many women have sore hips during pregnancy because of the weight they are carrying or because of the baby pressing down on the hips.

Are you pregnant if you feel lower back pains and hips then sore breast but had a light bleeding for almost 1week?

You could be. Some still have light periods while pregnant. Testing is the only way to know for sure though!