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Q: Implantation bleeding heavy like your period?
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Can implantation bleeding be heavy?

yep, but i heard it still should be lighter than your normal menstrual, if you truly expect pregnany get the bleeding checked out for possibility of a misscarraige answer that's wrong that's just a period while pregnant. Implantation bleeding is a tiny bit of blood which will always stay light its nothing like a period and it doesn't follow a period pattern neither. Implantation bleeding is rare not every women gets it but also Implantation bleeding can look different for every girl who has it cause we all have different bodies. My implantation bleeding lasted 1 day which was string pink blood in my discharge. Implantation bleeding can last 1-3 days it can be a spot of blood or blood in discharge its tiny bit of blood you can hardly notice it so I wouldn't say it gets heavy or nothing like a period I think people are getting it wrong and that's why people are thinking Implanation bleeding is just like a period WHEN ITS NOT. FROM PINK PRINCESS

Can implantation bleeding be heavy like?

Yea it can. I experienced it and found out I was pregnant

I was supposed to start my period on the 7.1.09 which i did but it was very light. the second day it was like a consistent red blood but not as heavy as usual. Is this my period or implantation bleedi?

Implantation bleeding is normally just light spotting but many women vary. It could be implantation bleeding but sounds more like a light period to me expecially if your last period was heavy. Take a home pregnancy test 2 days after your period would have been due if indeed you are pregnant you should get an accurate result by then. hope this helps

How much bleeding is implantation bleeding?

i've heard it is very light spotting not like an actual period and some women do not have implantation bleeding at all, everyone is different

Can implantation bleeding be confused with your period?

Hi, Yes implantation bleeding is regularly confused with a light period. However implantation bleeding will not be heavy normal like period bleeding, it will simply be a light period lasting 48-72 hours or spotting of blood in your underwear. This bleeding always occurs 6-12 days after you had unprotected sex. If you suspect this is implantation bleeding then see your doctor for a quantitative beta hcg pregnancy blood test. You will need to write down the name of this test and you must ask your doctor specifically for this test. Please note this is advice only and should not be used in place of a medical experts.

What does implantation bleeding look like You had unsafe sex well the condom broke. and then the nex day you had light blood and then the next day you have cramps and alot of blood when you wipe?

It all depends on where in your cycle you were when you had sex and started bleeding. The bleeding could just be from the sex itself, you may have gotten a scratch or tear inside that is bleeding, you could be starting your period early or you could be experiencing implantation bleeding. If it is implantation bleeding it may be bright pink or dark brown and only enough to be considered 'spotting' and not a period. If it is heavy bleeding it is not implantation bleeding. You can take a test in 1.5 to 2 weeks. Good Luck!

What is can go wrong if you have implantation bleeding?

Implantation Bleeding After ovulation the egg travels into the uterus and burrows into the lining of the uterus. For some women implantation will cause slight bleeding or spotting. This is called implantation bleeding. This is sometimes confused for an early period. What does implantation bleeding or spotting look like? Implantation bleeding, also called implantation spotting, does not look like a regular menstrual period. Implantation bleeding is scanty and usually pink or brownish discharge. Implantation bleeding or menstrual period? Implantation bleeding normally occurs a week to a few days before your period would normally start. Spotting that occurs around a week after ovulation is likely implantation bleeding; whereas, spotting that occurs very close to the time that your period would normally start may not be. A normal menstrual cycle generally starts off light and then gets heavier. Spotting can sometimes be the sign of an early period. If this is the case, the spotting will pick up to heavier bleeding. If you have spotting right around the time your period would normally start, it can be more confusing. You will need to take the wait and see approach or take a pregnancy test to determine pregnancy.

If you have implantation bleeding around the time of your period will you have stomach pains as if it was your period?

With my first pregnancy I just had the implantation bleeding, no cramping, I felt wonderful. With my second pregnancy I had awful period like cramps. I didn't think I could be pregnant because it felt like my period was coming.

What is the difference between implantation bleeding and your period?

Implantation bleeding is only a few spots of blood, nothing like a period. There's no flow to Implantation bleeding and it just spots of blood which I've had mine was stringy pink blood in discharge. Implantation blood can be brown/pink/red . Days from 1-3 that's how long it can last for 1-3 days its nothing like a period 1 in 3 women get it. It can be stringy or thick. You can get a bit of a belly ache just for the day. Period has a flow a period starts light - heavy-light where as implantation bleeding stays light and periods have cramps it can also have clots as well . Hope I help from Pink Princess Your period will have a flow to it. It will come out whether you are going to the bathroom or not. I believe I am experiencing implantation bleeding at the moment. It is brown and sort of stringy, but I only get it or see it when I wipe. It doesn't just come out of me, only when I use the restroom and it doesn't happen everytime I go... like I don't need to have a tampon in or have a pad on. I miscarried last month and the bleeding was completely different than anything, implantation or period. Note to those pregnant and experiencing bleeding, please call your health care provider, it is very important. The bleeding I experienced from the miscarriage was heavy, very red and had lots of clots. Not a normal period... and the miscarriage bleeding (7 days) lasted longer than a normal period for me (5 days).

Period was 6 days late and then bled a little bit for a few days but then it went away not even 3 days later it was lighter than usual was it my period or implantation bleeding?

it sounds like implantation bleeding

Could you have implantation bleeding 8 days before your regular period?

Yes! I did, and it was heavy like a period, lasted 5 days and I had cramping! Only difference was it was slightly pinkish, not blood red. By the way, I'm pregnant!!!!!

Could you be having implantation bleeding if you have slight cramping pain and light brown and pink bleeding for about 3 days?

Hi, The bleeding you experienced was too long for implantation bleeding. It sounds like a period. See your doctor incase you have a infection.