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Germany and Italy, its two WWII allies.

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Q: In 1940 japan allied itself with?
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President Truman's primary motive for using nuclear weapons against Japan was to?

Force Japan to surrender without invading Japan itself which would have resulted in many allied soldiers being killed.

What countries were allied with japan in world war 2?

Germany & Italy were allied to Japan in WWII.

When did the allied occupation of Japan end?

1952, after Japan gained its independence from the allied powers in 1951.

Why did US join the allied?

Allied powers* because they were attacked by Japan.

What country did Germany ally with during World War 2?

Germany was a part of the Axis Powers (or Nations) during World War II. Italy and Japan were also associated with the Axis powers, though not necessary in direct alliance with Germany itself. Their common enemy, the Allied Powers, were what united them.

What does allied with axis mean?

Allied and Axis vicories reffer back to WW2. Allied sides were: everyone against Germany and Japan. Axis victory were: Japan and Germany

WHO WAS Allied with Japan?

Germany and Italy

When did allied forces capture Japan?

We did not capture Japan. Japan surrendered and we walked in unimpeded.

What major allied power was defeated by the Germans in 1940?

France .

What country was japan allied with?

Well, in World War II, Japan was allied with the Germans, as Germany wanted to take over the world in that time to have full absolute power over everybody, but they needed help to do so. Germany then allied with Japan...

What was the allied goal in the Pacific?

The Allied goal in the Pacific was to obtain the unconditional surrender of Japan.

Who was on allied powers?

Germany, Japan and Italy