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yes she can no matter what she is still 18

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Q: In Florida if a female is 18 years old and still going to high school can she move out of her parents' house?
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Can a 16 US female teen go to jail for not going to school over an abundant number of time?

A 16 US female teen cannot go to jail for not going to school over an abundant number of time. The school can however take some disciplinary measures in collaboration with the parents.

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Show you parents how bad your school is, then they will lets you revise at home

Is an all school meeting for children and parents?

The child can go with the parents and the school talks about what they did that year or what they are going to be doing for example a class to help students in school

What is the percentage of kids going to school in Greece?

95% depending on the parents

How can going to school be a job?

its is really, if your parents told you this, that's just what parents do, but you do have to go to school, its against the law not to besides children do get education even friendship!

Can you get a fine for not going to school?

no but u can get sent to court I was today told at school you can get fined $2'000 and so can your parents.

In florida the fine for going over 5 mph in a school zone results in a fine of?

In Florida, fines are doubled for speeding in a construction or school zone. Fines vary by county in Florida. You should check with your county clerk in order to assess your fine.

Can you drive to school with a permit and park there in Florida?

You cannot drive anywhere "solo" on a learner's permit, school or otherwise. Just going to school does not circumvent the laws for anyone.

What do you do if a guy in your class keeps bullying you?

Answer I don't know if you are male or female but NO ONE should have to put up with being bullyed. You need to talk to a teacher or the school counselor, and your parents, and let them know what is going on. It is their responsibility to get it under control.

Can my parents get in trouble if I leave home at sixteen?

no of course not but first discuss it with them and keep going to school

When did Mother Teresa start going to school?

Mother Teresa did not go to school. Girls were not allowed to attend school in Albania at the time. She was home schooled by her parents.