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Roman Catholic AnswerIn the final analysis, protestants feel that they should say "yes" to God and that they should decide how to do that. Catholics believe that they only decision God has given us is to say "yes" to Him, that after that, if we do say "yes" then we are humble and obedient to what He has revealed, so we follow the Church. The very basis of Protestantism is that they are setting themselves up as pope and Church, they decided which books of The Bible they wanted and what dogmas of the Church they wanted to follow.
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14y ago

Decorative churches
Spoke Latin
Had a pope

Simple churches
Spoke their native languages
Didn't have a pope

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The major difference at that time was existence versus non-existence. The Middle Ages ended in the fifteenth century. Martin Luther did not invent protestantism until the sixteenth century.

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Q: In King Henry Viii s time what was the difference between protestants and catholics?
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What started the argument between Catholics and Protestants?

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Why are Protestants called Protestants and if Catholics Protest can they be Protestants too?

Protestants are called protestants because they PROTESTED against the catholic church because Henry viii was catholic but he wanted a divorce but the catholics would not let him, so he started his own church( church of England) and they were called the protestants, also you can not be protestant and catholic.

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How was the Protestant church different to the catholic church during Henry viii?

protestants want church services to be in english, whearas catholics want it in latin. also, catholics had too much bling for protestants, they want it to be humble and help the poor

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In those days the Catholic church had spread right across Europe. Virtually all Europeans were Catholics. After Henry VIII's time the Reformation started and Protestants started to appear.

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No. Only Catholics celebrate patronage of saints. Protestants oppose the "laws" of Catholicism, hence the word "protest" to describe their break from the Holy Empire during the reign of King Henry VIII.

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he Catholic forces were led by Duc de Guise (HenryI de Lorraine) and Catherine de ... on the part of Catholic monarchs that Protestants would not be loyal, ... Calvinism had significant appeal in France

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With Henry VIII's wish to divorce his wife

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Catholic AnswerCatholic weddings are Christian, if you are asking what the difference is between Catholic and protestant weddings, please see the Related Question below.

Why did Henry VIII and Catherine of Aragon's divorce have a split in Catholics and protestants?

Because divorce is not permitted in the Church. King Henry VIII, not being satisfied with the daughter that his wife had given him, decided that he needed a new wife, so he sought an annulment (which is NOT a divorce, it is a decree that no valid marriage ever occurred). This was patently ridiculous as he had previously obtained papal permission to marry Catherine of Aragon in the first place, so, of course, it was denied. As Henry couldn't obtain an annulment, his brilliant solution was to leave the Church and found his own Church which would do whatever he wanted - and, bingo, you have the protestant revolt in England. It was not a "split" between Catholics and protestants, it was the King making Catholicism illegal and making up his own Church and requiring that everyone go to it-big difference.

Was Henry VIIs only method of suppressing the Protestants the dissolution of the monasteries?

The dissolution of the monasteries was nothing to do with supressing Protestants (Monasteries were Catholic) and it was Henry VIII not Henry VII.