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Q: In Latin America seviche also called ceviche is cooked simply by marinating what food in citrus juice?
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What is Che Guevaras favorite food?

It was the seafood called ceviche. Ceviche includes 'raw' fish that is 'cooked' in lime juice.

What is meat cooked with lemon juice called?


What is honduran ceviche de corvina?

A ceviche (raw fish) made from the flesh of a fish called a corvina; native to Honduras. The dish is generally served with lemon juice and olive oil.

What is the technique called that cooks fish with lemon?

The name of the technique in which fish has been cooked with lemon is known as Ceviche.

America why is it called America?

America is called "America" because it was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci

Why is it called America America?

America is called "America" because it was discovered by Amerigo Vespucci

What is the fish in the Peruvian dish called Ceviche marinated in?

An acid, usually lime or other citrus juice or sometimes a vinegar-based marinade. This "cooks" the fish without heat and flavors the fish or shrimp to supreme yummyness.

Is The area between North America and South America is called Mid-America?

Nope... It's called........... Central America!

What is santa called in south America?

what is santa called in south america

What state is called the crossroads of America?

Missouri is called the crossroads of america!!

What else can America be called you signed up to penpanworldcom and it does not have America?

America is also called USA, United States Of America or just America. from slamuelrock

What was North and South America called before it was discovered and called America?

The indies