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Complete Conformity. All individuals are required to fall in line with the State (Government)

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Q: In a totalitarian state What is expected of the individual?
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What individual freedoms are denied in totalitarian state?

the soviet unoin

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who is the leader in a totalitarian state and how did they get thrie power?

Why was the totalitarian state well suited to fascism?

It is because fascism is a form of right-wing totalitarianism that emphasizes the subordination of an individual to advance the interests of the state.

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Totalitarianism refering to a totalitarian state is a one party state in which each person is supposed to work towards the good of state, much like the aim of Stalin's USSR, or the Nazi's Germany.

In a a dictator controls all aspects of the citizens' lives?

That is often called totalitarianism. Obvious examples include Fascist Italy, the USSR (from the mid 1920s onwards) and Nazi Germany,

Is Switzerland a totalitarian state?

No Switzerland is a republican state. Democrat state too.

What are the central charasteristics of totalitarian governments?

Totalitarian governments are characterized by a single ruling party or leader who exercises absolute power and control over all aspects of society. They often suppress individual freedoms, limit opposition, and use propaganda and surveillance to maintain their authority. Totalitarian regimes typically emphasize the importance of the state over the individual and seek to shape public opinion to align with their ideology.

What are the differences between fascism and totalitarian regime?

Totalitarianism (or totalitarian rule) is a concept used to describe political systems where a state regulates nearly every aspect of public and private life..Democracy is a form of government in which power is held by people under a free electoral system.

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What was life like in stalins totalitarian state?

i have no clue